"Covenants of the gods" study Call

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Welcome to "The Covenants of the gods" study group

I Am Jeffrey

This call is currently hosted by [Jeffrey minister of His Church at Great Lakes.]

Our study call is on Wednesday evenings: 9pm EST - 8pm CST - 7pm MST - 6pm PST

We are beginning a study on the book "Covenants of the gods" by Brother Gregory.

I highly recommend and encourage the following:

☞ Read the footnotes they are very valuable and insightful.

☞ Take notes while you study.

☞ Write down any questions or topics you would like to discuss.

☞ If possible submit the questions or topics to me a few days ahead of the call date to expedite time.

We will be continuing where we left off in the book the following week.

The discussion is always interesting, and we enjoy the interaction with folks across the country.

If you want to join in, but don't have a copy of the book please let the host or your personal contact minister (PCM) know by e-mail, and we will make sure you get a copy sent as an e-mail attachment.

How to participate:

To Call in:

Dial: (724) 444-7444

Enter: 134892 # (Call ID)

Enter: 1 # or your PIN

To Join from your computer:

Click here to join the call or just listen along

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Facebook user? You can join this Call directly through the TalkShoe Community Calling Facebook application.

Listen to the Recording: If you missed this event or want to hear previous recorded episodes click here.

Click this link ☞ Cog Chapter 1 Study guide

I am looking forward to meeting and talking to you on the call.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

Jeffrey Jay

Minister of His Church at Great Lakes