Accord əˈkôrd/ verb
- 1. give or grant someone (power, status, or recognition).
- "the powers accorded to the head of state"
- synonyms: give, grant, present, award, vouchsafe;
- antonyms: withhold
- 2. (of a concept or fact) be harmonious or consistent with.
- synonyms: correspond to, agree with, match up with, concur with, be consistent with, harmonize with, be in harmony with, be compatible with, chime in with, be in tune with, correlate with, dovetail with; More
- 3. conform to;
- suit, fit, parallel, match; informalsquare with, jibe with
- "his views accorded with mine"
- antonyms: disagree, contrast
noun noun: accord; plural noun: accords
- 1. an official agreement or treaty.
- synonyms: pact, treaty, agreement, settlement, deal, entente, concordat, protocol, contract, convention
- "a peace accord" agreement or harmony.
- "the government and the rebels are in accord on one point"
- synonyms: agreement, consensus, unanimity, harmony, unison, unity;