Talk:Series on the Gospel

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James Orr mentions Plato

John Vervaeke mentions Socraties

Dennis Praguer fears the death of Christianity but calls himself a Jew.

Douglas Hedley mentions neoplatonistic.

Steve Blackwood

Johnathan Pugaeu mentions Christ.

Jordan begins by presenting the question is this world world reduced to being run by power. He coup, especially that claimed power with the idea of sex almost as if those are condening elements of the moving forces of the world.

He does bring up sacrifice even using the description of the "divine sacrifice".

John 1:1-6

Be giving was the word then light, life...
Source logos pattern > visible>light>life

Single Gosspel

Luke 1 Zacharia

Why John the Baptist must come first?

"Conscience is the forerunner of he sacred."

To solve a problem you must Identify that there is a problem.[1]

To be saved you must accept that you are not saved.

  1. To be Saved from Sin
    To solve our problem we must adopt The Way of Christ:
    1. Admit you have a problem.
    2. Define the nature of the problem.
    3. Observe the root cause of the problem objectively.
    4. Produce and practice a solution counting the cost.
    5. Test and confess the observed outcome.