
― Hippocrates
To maintain your rights you must exercise your responsibilities for your health, education and welfare. Health is an individual right as long as the individual takes responsibility for themselves.
A family is the first body politic.
The family is the first health provider because all individuals are born from the natural union of a family unit. In order for that unit to be healthy its members health must be a major consideration.
The community whether a free association or a bound body politic is typically created by families coming together in a common purpose. For the society formed by a community created by the congregation of families to be healthy the members of that society must have a natural concern for the health of the individual as well as the health of the family.
If another body politic or individual is responsible for the health of an individual then they will began to exercise a right corresponding to the level of responsibility they exercise over those health needs.
If a society of individuals is to remain free it must be concerned with and responsible for the heath of the individual but only through free and voluntary actions. In other words for the community to remain free it must provide for the health needs of the individual through charity only.
Governments who exercise force in collecting the resources that offer health care do not exercise charity despite the outcome of their efforts. They are merely re distributors of wealth, not charitable institution. They may call themselves benefactors but because they exercise authority their assistance will lead to the exercise of control over the manner of health care you can receive. See more on the Politics of Health.
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General health advise from Doctor Greenberg