Credit unions
Many might not think that Liberty Trust has much in common with the Early Church. A Minister of the church brought this idea to the minister group.
Video introduction
While there are certain kingdom tracks in this idea of no interest loans there were systems in the old and new testaments where trust was built to help and protect people from the draining burden of mortgages which cannot only lead to economic death but worse...
Of course with modern money systems we are all carrying the burden of mortgaging ourselves for benefits but there is a road back.
In a living network of Congregations of Recorded Elders of families these ideas of escaping the burden of interest and usury might be able to produce the same results of Liberty Trusts without ten years of pre deposits investments ...
There are several practices not covered in their valuable attempt to free people that are addressed in the early Church model given us by the apostles and Christ.
In the case of a His Church Credit Union formed in a manner of that body created by the apostles in Acts 6 could began facilitating such assistance almost immediately.
Credit unions do not make profit and their board does not even receive wages so they do not really charge interest but merely fees to support basic expenses. The following articles mention Credit Unions
FEMA of the LORD
The Audacity of Hope
Seven Men From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 74 Choose Your Seven From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 76 Seven Adversaries From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 77
Audio files
10/23/10 Christian Banking
Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast October 23, 2010
Doing evil for good outcome, Cain's choice, going with the flow, Josiah Stamp on the Bank of England, legal title vs. equitable title, Creating deposits, Corporations, Actions of the Federal Reserve, Advice from Proverbs, Just weights and measures, Understanding the program, Insurance, Interest, JFK US notes, FDIC, Fractional reserves, Where's the risk?, Foreclosure, Real-world examples, More on Cain, Seth, Nimrod, Ruling over your brother, Giving power to other men, Greed in the system, Savings and Loan crisis, Acts 6:3, Temple = Royal Treasury, Compelling contributions, Christ casting out the money changers, Credit Unions, Casting thy bread upon the waters, Owning your bank, The purpose of "Church", Workable Congregations of Record.
6/25/2011 Keys to Freedom Keys of the Kingdom radio broadcast June 25, 2011
Teachings of the modern church, "Believe" or "Do"?, How to inherit eternal life, Benefactors who exercise authority, Home schooling in community, Rural electrification, Liberty Dollars, Banks vs. Credit Unions, What history are you reading?, Commodity money, Beginning the journey back, Range sheep vs. farm sheep, Kingdom of God = Right to be ruled by God, Details from the early church, Modern Church = the great dis-tractors, Perils of nuclear power plants, People helping people, Nobody gets left behind.