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Homoousion Christianity was the beginning of the great unmooring of the teachings of Christ where doctrines of men diverged from the doctrine of Jesus. It was also the rise of superstition that would be an Instrumentum regni for tyranny and the world order of evil where the whole word would be deceived even the very elect if it were possible.

The great unmooring is the great falling away marked as the Apostasy that comes with the unmooring of the meaning of the words of Christ and idolizing interpretation which is the ultimate blaspheming of the Holy Spirit. Until men repent there can be no salvation. This idolizing of names, words and phrases which is idolatry just as "covetousness is idolatry".

"Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:" Colossians 3:5

"Homoousios" was a common Greek word meaning "of the same kind of stuff as" from ὁμός, homós, "same" and οὐσία, ousía, "essence".

Origen believed in the Creator and the Lord and the Holy Spirit but there was no teaching of the Trinity which would be pushed by some bishop of the First Nicene Council. Origin said these three were "homoousios" which does not mean they were "one in the same being" but actually meant "of the same kind of stuff as". It was a common word used in Greek and also by the Gnosticism

The Synod of Elvira predates the The First Ecumenical Council of Nicaea by almost 20 years. One of the prominent bishops that attended and almost the only one we know about was Hosius of Corduba or Osius or Ossius and at 50 was an advocate of Homoousion Christianity.