- Landmark study details the burdens of occupational licensing laws nationwide
- Stossel: Stop! You Need a License To Do that Job!
- ReasonTV: 'Locked Out': A Hair Braider Fights Occupational Licensing
- Locked Out: Extended
- Barriers to Entrepreneurship: Anti-Trust Implications of Occupational Licensing
- ReasonTV: Nurse Practitioners Can Make Health Care Cheaper (and Doctors Want to Stop Them)
- ReasonTV: Why is California Jailing Landscapers? Don't Cops Have Better Things to Do?!
- Stossel: Tour Guides Under Attack
- 2017-05-13 FEE: Occupational Licensing is a Scam
- 2017-04-30 FEE - Occupational Licensing Doesn't Protect Who You Think It Protects
- 2017-04-25 Man Fined $500 for Crime of Writing 'I Am An Engineer' in an Email to the Government
- 2016-12-20 Occupational licensing contributes to the cycle of crime.
- 2012-01-05 Why the Supreme Court Should Review Florida’s Absurd Occupational Licensing Scheme for Interior Designers
- [When did this...become this...