N-P PCM Volunteer/Assistant
I am back now from a rather lengthy sabbatical (of sorts), and, in getting going again; I'm volunteering to be a Personal Contact Minister (PCM). To say I am "volunteering" is to say that, while I wish to be a PCM, I have not yet met the minimum requirement of having at least two Elders (s)elect me to serve them and their respective families in that capacity.
The purpose of the HHC Google groups is, of course, that folks should gather together to serve others - both near and far. In practical ways. That strengthen. In every possible way. Congregating according to pattern of the tens, (fifties), hundreds, and thousands is the ancient and proven way does just that, and is what is referred to, here, as gathering in CoRE ("Congregation[s] of Recorded Elders") groups. It would be better not to dally in so gathering, but, as it is a serious matter and not to be taken lightly, you ought not rush either. (S)electing a PCM to serve you and your family is a good way to start to safely get to know other possible seekers around you and elsewhere (and they, you) as well as to get help finding when and where the radio broadcasts are aired and when the various conference calls occur, being made aware of, and helping you navigate around, the HHC and related websites, etc..
If you're new to HHC and the HHC Google groups, and would like to get started getting to know others in order to know how to best serve, then I'd recommend you begin by visiting the PCM page, and (s)electing a PCM or PCM/Volunteer. If you'd like to discuss the possibility of me serving you, then, by all means, reach out, and let's see whether I might be a good fit for you - and yours. Either way, peace on your house...
My Contact Information:
Phone: (417) 399-6097 (Cell)
Alternate Phone: N/A
Email: wearecarefree@hotmail.com
Alternate Email: N/A
Mailing address:
- Nitsan-Parach
- c/o Gabriel Christian
- P.O. Box 339
- Rosendale, New York 12472
Alternate Mailing Address: N/A
My Minister of Recorded Elders (MoRE) Name: Brother Paul Bethke
My Minister of Recorded Elders (MoRE) Phone: (414) 467-9978 (cell)
My Minister of Recorded Elders (MoRE) E-mail: Paul@BethkeFamily.com