Step 1: Subscribe to The Kingdom Newsletter
The Kingdom Newsletter is our primary newsletter.
Step 2: Join the Local Email Group
This Google Group covers Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi. It is a local, private and moderated group offered for these purposes:
- To bring people together in a living network.
- To create the perfect bonds of liberty necessary to maintain a living network of love.
- To aid in the formation of Congregations of Record.
Step 3: Choose a Personal Contact Minister
A contact point is essential in the development of any successful fractal network. A Contact Minister in your area must be chosen in order to get full access to the benefits and information of the Network. Get acquainted with the Personal Contact Ministers and Volunteers in your area then Elect a Personal Contact Minister. This person has no ruling authority and you are always free to choose another or volunteer yourself. (See Responsibilities of a Contact Minister).
Step 4: Join or Establish a Congregation of Record (COR)
Each COR will develop it's own flavor based on the interests and needs of he families involved. Some may have a specific focus on homeschooling or homesteading while others blaze the way toward independence from public (socialistic) government services.
A COR has been described as a type of super-family made up of local individual families whose purpose is to help each other wean themselves from socialized government systems by gradually taking back their responsibilities and becoming their own Biblically-based government that protects each other's liberties.
A COR has also been described as a "well regulated militia". A highly conditioned and well trained athletic team, or military squad of 8 to 10 men with their non-commissioned officer, the Minister of Record, as their shepherd. A band of brothers, a band of independent families working in rhythm, harmony and peace to love one another. A COR is the knights of the round table. Its the Clan Counsel. A COR is an inner circle of trusted friends you assemble with in the Kingdom tree house being led by Yoda (the Holy Spirit) to discuss how to build, supply, and care for the rebel base on the planet Hoth.
The Free Church Report explains how a COR is established.
Additional Reading