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Adam & Eve Overdressed

Where Adam and Eve really naked?

Artists of the past and present have loved to use this idea to draw naked men and women in a garden eating from an apple tree. Movies and pictures have etched these images into our minds.

Have we read the text right? There were no pictures in the original text.

The last verse of Chapter 2 in Genesis says they were. But did it?

Genesis 2:25 "And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed."

The word naked is Mwre ‘arowm 06174 or Mre ‘arom; adj AV-naked 16; 16

The same letters in the word Mre ‘arom 06174 is from 06191 Mre ‘aram a primitive root verb meaning subtlety 1, crafty 1, prudent 1, beware 1, very 1 and is defined 1) to be subtle, be shrewd, be crafty, beware, take crafty counsel, be prudent 1a) (Qal) to be crafty, be subtle 1b) (Hiphil) to be crafty, be or become shrewd (in its original sense)

So were they subtle or naked, crafty or lacking clothes?

Arowm Mwre ‘ seen as naked is similar to 06173 hwre ‘arvah (Aramaic) having a Hey instead of a Mem and as a noun is translated dishonour 1; and defined 1) dishonour, nakedness 1a) dishonour (metaphor of nakedness) And it is corresponding to the word 06172 ^hwre^ `ervah a feminine noun translated nakedness 50, nakedness + 01320 1, shame 1, unclean 1, uncleanness 1; and defined nakedness, nudity, shame, pudenda but also indecency, improper behavior 1c) exposed, undefended.

The word ^hwre^ `ervah 06172 we see as naked is from 06168 ^hre^ `arah which was a primitive root; verb translated uncover 3, discover 3, emptied 2, rase 2, leave destitute 1, make naked 1, poured out 1, poured 1, spreading 1; And it is defined 1) to be bare, be nude, uncover, leave destitute, discover, empty, raze, pour out 1a) (Piel) 1a1) to bare, lay bare 1a2) to lay bare by emptying, empty 1a3) to pour out 1b) (Hiphil) 1b1) to make naked, strip bare (of sexual offences) 1b2) to pour out 1c) (Niphal) to be poured out, be exposed 1d) (Hithpael) 1d1) to expose oneself, make oneself naked 1d2) pouring oneself, spreading oneself (participle).

It is clear that these letters together as a word do not just mean naked and it is only interpretation that gives us our modern perceptions which are private. If we assume a teacher or leader knows then are we believing in them or God? Christ builds his church by divine revelation not men who can exercise authority over your understanding.