The Occupy Refuge Movement

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These are not "dangerous", "anti-government", "militant", "outsiders" but Americans protesting abuse by federal agencies that have from time to time over stepped their authority and damaged the lives and property of good law abiding Americans.

Straight talk

The militia has not taken over the Malheur Wildlife Refuge.

There is a lot of irresponsible media out there saying foolish things to get people to read their ads. There are no ads here.

Some guys claiming to be militia are there occupying some tiny part of a huge federal wildlife refuge in Oregon and they may be going in some empty buildings for shelter.

No one should be calling them "anti-government". They are protesters who are complaining about what they see as Federal government abuse by some people who work at the BLM. And anyone who reads the Hammonds story can hardly say otherwise. They are also concerned about corruption in the courts. My father was an accomplished attorney in several states, wrote law books and he consistently told us about high up corruption in the courts.

These guys are pro government, They are not pro government abuse or usurpation of rights. They may or may not be right but they are protesting to get media attention.

No one should call them "outsiders" unless they are from Syria or some other country since this is a federal issue which they are protesting.

No one should call them "militant" since that means "combative and aggressive in support of a political or social cause, and typically favoring extreme, violent, or confrontational methods." There is no evidence that they are combative or aggressive. They are peaceful and defensive of what they think are their rights and the rights of other people who have been abused.

Statement by Oregon Farm Bureau President Barry Bushue on sentencing of Steve and Dwight Hammond to five years in federal prison

"This is an example of gross government overreach, and the public should be outraged."[Read full statement.] or go and read the Hammonds story.

Historical perspective

Attorney General Eric Holder- Now-1970.

The sheriff David Ward, who I have personally known for years, can walk right up to the protesters, who have a right to carry in Oregon, and talked to them and even pray with them just like he did with the Hammond family.

But he was quoted as saying "You said you were here to help the citizens of Harney County... That help ended when that protest became an armed occupation."

Unless Harney County is not in America they can be there and there is a long history of protest by occupation. This occupying government areas is a common form of protest used for years to get media attention. There is no threatening of people, no hostages, no injuries or damage being done.

Just to give you some historical perspective I personally remember back in 1970 when leaders of the Student Afro-American Society (SAAS), took over a Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) headquarters at Columbia University. The occupation lasted five-days and I remember claims that they were armed and demanded that the former ROTC office be renamed the “Malcolm X Lounge.” (There should be some footage of this somewhere.)

I also remember that there was a Dean's office that was occupied until demands were met. Evidently that was the Dean of Freshman Henry Coleman. What I did not know was that the Attorney General Eric Holder evidently participated in the militant take over of the ROTC headquarters. I pray that the same caution and consideration exercised by law enforcement back then is exercised by the law enforcement under men like Attorney General Eric Holder.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said "Our prayers right now are with everyone involved in what’s happening with Oregon, and especially those in law enforcement that are risking their lives,"

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) said “You can’t be lawless,"... "We live in a republic. There are ways to change the laws of this country and the policies. If we get frustrated with it, that’s why we have elections. That’s why we have people we can hold accountable.”

That is also why protesting is a common and accepted form of petitioning government including peaceably occupying public buildings and areas.

The Harney County Refuge Occupy Movement

Irresponsible journalists like Zoe Carpenter are demonizing these people with phrases like "lead an armed insurrection". After reading Zoe's bias yellow journalism Arthur Klein commented "I am really worked up over this. Especially that armed groups can freely threaten their way past Law Enforcement and virtually become a parallel government and disturb the lives of residents and the community."

No one 'threaten their way past Law Enforcement'. The building is a public was unlocked public building which they are occupying in protest. And as to disturbing the lives of residents and the community that is mostly being done by the panic cause by bad journalism. They are not trying to be a "parallel government" but point out what they think is government violations which have been Destroying the "lives of residents and the community".

And the same atheistic, anti religion news media makes statements like "made up of gruff militiamen and amiable ranchers from out of town with pocket Constitutions and “the God thread running hard through them,” as one put it."

The appeal to wildlife enthusiasts by saying "Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is home to more than 320 species of birds". The truth is by government statistics there is less birds coming to the area since the government took over management and most of the bird populations are increasing on the ranchers land.

This was sent to me by Tim Titus who is a local business man, pastor and member of Harney County community.

I think it can give you a better inside picture of things there which is not some militant armed takeover even though it appears Tim labeled his testimony "Bundy Refuge Takeover." These are good people who have personal convictions and want to bring attention to what they see as injustice. They are willing to commit civil disobedience to do it.

You know like sittin's, occupy movements and the Boston Tea Party except no tea was damaged at the Refuge. The media has a great deal of power to influence the minds of the people. Everything you can do to spread the understanding that these men are not what the media is suggesting they are.

Note that these are not armed people behind barricades because as you see Bundy is driving all around and then coming back to an unlocked public building. I am not supporting their position because the real answer is in doing the will of the Father but they are truing to attend to the Weightier matters.

Bundy Refuge Takeover.
As a local businessman, pastor and member of our community, I was invited to join a group of men and women to go into the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge headquarters to meet with the people involved in the refuge standoff. As we approached refuge headquarters, we drove past the media vans with their huge satellite dishes on top some with camera lights still shining on people being interviewed. We were allowed past the vehicles blocking the lanes winding down the hill to the small cluster of buildings that make up the refuge headquarters.
Inside the old stone building in a small office area, we introduced ourselves to Ryan Bundy, Shawna Cox and one big, tattooed dude known as "Buddha" who I was later told is a bodyguard for one or both of the Bundy's. We weren't searched or even patted down. (I thought it best to leave my firearms at home but at least one of our group was packing.) We explained that rather than listening to the rumors and succumbing to the fears running wild in our community, we wanted to hear from them personally as to what was going on and what they wanted to achieve.
They thanked us for coming, Shawna proudly announced they had come up with a name and mission statement for their group. People for Constitutional Freedom, I believe is the handle they've tied to this operation. (To think that no one had formed that into words prior to the occupation surprised me. This really does seem like a fluid, fly-by-the-seat-of your pants operation.)
So, after some general talk about the day's events, Ryan Bundy began a short course on the United States Constitution and the forefather's limitations on the federal government particularly as it pertains to landownership. He explained that the role of federal government is, with the exception of the 100 square miles making up Washington D.C., only to dispose of property and land not to possess it. The discourse seemed sound with some of their own interpretation of who exactly should own the land thrown in whether that be state, county or private ownership.
Bundy also told from their perspective the story of the struggles they went through with the federal government on the family ranch in Nevada. He laid out the events and decisions they made that led them to the 2014 standoff that also made national news. Cox shared about an event in Utah where she saw the federal government allegedly abuse their power to remove a widow's cattle from an area the government wanted to designate a National Monument. Albeit all from their perspective, you began to see the motivations behind the group.
Individuals of the occupying group came and went from the tiny room during our stay of slightly over an hour. They ranged in dress from the latest, pseudo-military camouflage jacket to a sport coat. No one seemed particularly on edge or overly nervous. The guy in the camo jacket did stay at the door behind our group for a time before entering into the office and even into the conversation from time to time.
Ammon Bundy, evidently finished with the media blitz and whatever else a revolutionary leader does with his days, came in, shook the hands of several of our group and listened attentively to some suggestions as to how they might overcome some of the negative reactions within our community and possibly get their message out in a more succinct way. He made some notes on a sheet of plain paper lifted from a nearby table.
The biggest piece of advice I added to the discussion, more for our communities' benefit than theirs, was suggesting they actively address the rumors physical threats encircling our county. (The fact that our public schools had closed for the week seemed to genuinely surprise them.) There are many rumors of individuals, their families or government property being threatened with attack but with no substantiation. The fear in the community seems irrational or at least it would be if everyone sought to determine the legitimacy of the threats. Substantiation seems to be lacking as the small-town rumor mill spins somewhat out of control.
One of our group suggested having a meeting with some of the leaders and influencers in our community to help the locals understand their history and what they wanted to accomplish. Ammon, when asked if he could go into town for a meeting, almost looked surprised and and said he had "been all over the county today". He didn't seem to see why not. I'm not sure he knows how many rooms the FBI has booked in the small town of Burns.
As the impromptu meeting wound down, I asked if I could pray for them. They were more than willing and hats came off all around the room. I prayed just as I had prayed in every public place since this national event began in our isolated county. I asked for their personal protection, for wisdom in handling the situation, for restraint and level-headedness on both sides and that their voice be heard which I believe is their primary goal. The prayer seemed to be received gratefully.
Am I a convert? No, they are still breaking the law even if just for trespassing but I do feel I understand their position as well as our constitution much better. I also feel much better about the safety of our community. And, whether I agree with the course of action, I hope the message does get out. Our federal government seems to be so far past the authority our constitution gives it that just the idea of reigning it back into the role the founding fathers gave it does seem pretty radical. Government overreach is taken more seriously when it causes an individual's medical insurance premiums to rise than when it affects the economies of families and communities in the middle of nowhere.

People should also take a look at the word "Militia".

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