
The first Christians were accused of being atheists because they did not worship the visible gods of Rome, i.e., the emperors and judges. There are gods many...
So what we have today are false Christians and false atheists fighting with each other while both groups obliviously serve the "gods many" in their governments of coercion. True Christians and true atheists happily co-exist...they are generally called Libertarians or Anarchists today.
Those who are called Christians today would have been called Pharisees 2000 years ago and would crucify Jesus now just like they did then.
Those who label themselves atheists today would have enjoyed Jesus' teaching against state religion. Religion was simply the social welfare of the day. It is mentioned five times in the bible and only once in a positive light when it indicates that pure religion is taking care of the needy without centralized government.
"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." James 1:27
"World" was a form of government where you voted for leaders to forcefully take from your neighbor to take care of the social welfare...public schools, social security, bread and circuses. My kingdom is not of this world. This is coveting your neighbor's goods, something the Ten Commandments forbade.
True Christians and true atheists are seen by their fruits...they have no need of centralized governments because they already have decentralized systems in place.
Both groups would do well to study the Essenes to understand what the term "Christian" really meant 2000 years ago.
30 minute audio on the subject.
Also read Are Christians Idiots?