HCSM Gathering Records'''

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The Coming Together of Another Congregation of Record, and the Establishment of His Church at Skytop Mountain (HCSM) Office of Ministry and Trust in the Northeast Region.

A Special Gathering of Three Times Two--Wednesday April 4th, 2012

Nitsan-Parach and I traveled to Graterford Maximum Security Prison in Collegeview, Pennsylvania to visit former PCM in good standing from Pennsylvania; Alex Forbes. Alex was extremely grateful to see us for we are his first visitors since his arrival September 2011. Although we had never met Alex before a bond quickly formed in the four hours we spent together as we all had HHC in common.In this difficult situation Alex is spending his time reading a variety of spiritual books as well as his one book from Brother Gregory (Higher Liberty) that he says he read five times. Alex says that he has joined a couple of Bible Study groups and has attempted to talk about his understanding of Kingdom precepts to others. He was able to get one person to consider what he was talking about. Alex did tell us how much he appreciates receiving mail and being kept updated on the going-on of HHC. His address is Alex Forbes, KB 5406, Box 244, Graterford, PA 19426-0244. It was an interesting and sad experience for me to visit Alex in Graterford but grateful to have had it. We returned back home through New Jersey in order to visit Tina. We met at McDonald's and updated each other on our lives. We also were able to discuss our understandings of the function of a CoR. This conversation will continue after we both review The Free Church Report. It was great to see Tina again as we were reminded of the good time we had (first time we ever met)at the gathering at my home a few weeks back. And the nine hours in the car with Nitsan-Parach(at least 2 of which we were lost looking for cheap gas, ice cream, and me not understanding the British voice of his GPS) was a lot of laughs.

A Coming Together of Pennsylvania and the Northeast in New Jersey--Saturday June 16th, 2012

On this beautiful Saturday morning I met Nitsan-Parach,Tsuwts-Parach and 7 year old Malchi-Tzeddek at the New Paltz park-n-ride and drove 2 hours to Johnson Park in Piscataway, New Jersey. There we gathered with two members of the Pennsylvania group, Fred and Joe and Fred's two young children; Mathew age 4 and Jacob age 2. We also had the pleasure of seeing Tina again who had made all of the arrangements to meet at this park and her two young nephews. Everyone prepared food of their liking and we all shared a wonderful picnic lunch. While all of the children played together throwing rocks into a river and at the playground, we were able to get to know each other and discuss how we came to HHC. This was the first time Fred and Joe were meeting with others in person and really appreciated this face to face discussion. Our discussion eventually led to understanding what is a CoR and the possibility of forming a CoR which was an exciting thought for there was enough of us who seemed interested in that possibility becoming a reality. We already talked about meeting again at the end of July near my home in New Paltz to meet others from the Northeast who were unable to attend and to continue discussing a CoR combining both Pennslyvania and the Northeast.I have already requested to join the Pennslyvania group in order to keep in touch with those in my neighboring state. As I watched all of the children (strangers upon meeting) playing and having such fun together, I could not help to think that this "play" is true fellowship. If only we could behave more like little children in our relationships. For those of you who wanted to come and could not, we missed your presence. Thank you to Nitsan-Parach for driving; I did notice the strain in your eyes since the loss of your eyeglasses and I am sorry for that. (See Nitsan-Parach's Family Page for his write-up and pictures) (See Tsuwts-Parach's Family Page for her write-up and pictures)

A Gathering in New Paltz, NY for the Formation of a CoR in the Northeast--Sunday August 5th, 2012

On this incredibly hot day, Tina, Fred and Joe all drove together from New Jersey to my home in New Paltz to continue our discussion of forming a CoR in the Northeast. We shared lunch and quickly got down to work in making sure we had the correct understanding of what the roles and function of a CoR meant. Thanks to Scott H. (MoR of HCLH), we were able to look at his power point presentation of definitions of terms. We also shared parts of the "Free Church Report" as well as emails from Brother Gregory describing in detail a CoR. Since many others from this area had expressed an interest in forming a CoR and were unable to attend, with the help of Nitsan-Parach's telephone conference call number we all were able to talk together via telephone. We were fortunate to have Brother Gregory also join us on the call to answer some questions. After many hours of discussion, we finally came to a consensus of YES!, we all had the desire to take this step together in the building of the Kingdom and also came to a unanimous vote on who we would want to be MoR. It was a joyous moment to be in consensus and the request was put forth to the designated MoR. Everyone took turns expressing their heart to the prospective MoR. The response of the MoR was that he needed time before making a decision to confirm with that still voice inside (the Holy Spirit). Overall, it was a "downer" moment from our initial excitement but most of us felt like it was good that a person take their time before committing to a government office. Others (me) had hoped that the response would be more immediate as to reflect our own excitement. Anyway, as of this writing we still await a response but we all have agreed on a back-up plan should the response be "no" as well as setting up another date to meet. Next time it will be at Fred's home in New Jersey and the hope is that all who could not make it this time will be able to for the next. My sincere thanks go out to Tina, Joe, and Fred (who picked everyone up) for taking the time and making the effort to drive to New Paltz. Also, thank you to Claude in Vermont, Gordon in Conn., Micheal Davis (MoR of James River in North Dakota), Tsuwts-Parach and Nitsan-Parach for taking the time to join with all here in New York via telephone. I look forward to our individual growth as part of a CoR as well as our relationships.

A CoR Gathering in Stewartsville, N.J--Sunday September 9th, 2012

I travelled to Stewartsville, NJ today to the beautiful home of Fred and his wife and three young children where we also met up with Joe and Tina. This was one of our first official (I think) CoR meeting where Fred, Tina and Joe filled out their paperwork for the formation of the CoR. Nitsan-Parach(MoR) and Tsuwts-Parach gathered with us on a phone conference call from Summer Lake. We had a great discussion of the differences of the Scacred Purpose Trust,tithings and general free-will offerings to Brother Gregory. This CoR has decided to test the TSA regulations by bringing a silver coin with the appropriate Church paperwork on the plane when travelling to the Burning Bush Festival. We will be reporting back with the results and hopefully the silver coin in hand. We shared lunch prepared by Tina and dessert brought by me. As we had previously decided, we will be meeting monthly in person and weekly by phone. Our next gathering will take place again at Fred's home on October 20th. All others are welcomed to join us. I arrived back home feeling happy and hopeful with the relationships and bonds that are already beginning to develop between us and look forward to it's potential growth into "Kingdom" relationships.

HHC at Skytop Mountain CoR Phone Gathering--Sunday Oct 7th, 2012

On Sunday Oct. 7th His Holy Church at Skytop Mountain had their first "official" phone conference with MoR, Nitsan-Parach and 4 of the Elders; Tswuts-Parach, Joe, Fred, and Isabelle. Joe and I had recently returned from the Burning Bush Festival and were expressing feelings of culture shock we experienced at our return to our daily lives and were only wishing to be back at Summer Lake. This led to an informative and heart felt conversation about what this newly formed CoR will become through doing. We questioned; we elected our MoR, signed the paperwork, gave our SPT, now what? Each of expressed what was on our heart "to do" to further the precepts of Kingdom living, not only for us but for generations to come. We discovered that we all had similar ideas of "doing". We agreed to each spend some time getting in touch with that inner voice along with gathering information and coming together again on Oct 20th at Fred's home in NJ. It was a joyful conversation to know that each of us together and separately were so enthusiastic and hopeful towards becoming a well functioning and righteousness seeking CoR.

and now...

Weekly conference calls' and monthly gatherings' notes and summaries

HHC at Skytop Mountain CoR Phone Gathering--Sunday Oct. 14th, 2012

On Sunday Oct 14th, HHC at Skytop Mountain held their weekly phone conference. In attendance; MoR Nitsan-Parach, Elders, Tswuts-Parach, Fred, Joe and Isabelle. This was a very special phone conference as Nitsan-Parach, Tswuts-Parach and Melchi-Zeddick were in Washington State in the gardens of “Back to Eden” dvd maker Paul G. The headphones were given to Paul as he spoke to his guests on a tour of the gardens. We all listened as the tour and explanations of the plush gardens of fruits and vegetables were given. As Nitsan-Parach, Tswuts-Parach and Melchi-Zeddick bit into the incredibly sweet tasting apples, pears, plums, strawberries, cucumbers, celery, and carrots, we heard sounds of laughter and joyful surprise at how good everything tasted. Tswuts-Parach, who is highly allergic to apples, was able to eat an apple without a reaction for the first time. Paul explained that her body was having the correct reaction to poorly grown apples. In his soil the natural minerals of the earth remain and the apples have no toxicity. Nitsan-Parach who has been unable to eat apples due to poor teeth, was able to eat an apple since they were in a more natural state of firmness, not hardness. For those of us listening on the phone, it was easy to visualize these full trees and bushes of fruits and vegetables that grow year round. We were grateful to experience this tour by phone and look forward to sharing the pictures.

End of Entry.

HHC at Skytop mountain CoR Gathering in Stewartsville, New Jersey--Oct. 20th, 2012

On Saturday Oct. 20th, HC at Skytop Mountain held their monthly CoR gathering at Elder Fred’s home in New Jersey. In attendance via phone were Minister of Record Nitsan-Parach and Elder Tswuts-Parach. In person was Fred, Joe, Isabelle and our special guest, a king from HC at Loess Hills, PCM David Cothern. David had pleasantly surprised me (Isabelle) on Thursday by asking what I was doing this weekend. David had long informed me that he never travels to the Northeast and I was so happy to hear that he was now delivering a load near my home in New Paltz. This happened to be the weekend of the HCSM gathering and so David was able to meet some of the Elders of HCSM as well as share his thoughts on some of the Kingdom precepts we had been discussing. It was very enlightening for all of us to hear David’s wise words. The Elders of HCSM discussed a variety of “proposals” for future CoR endeavors. One of the lessons I learned from David is that you can never make plans.

I was grateful to have David accompany me to New Jersey and spend the rest of the weekend at my home. We spent many hours talking and getting to know each other better. I was able to show David the beauty of New Paltz including the mountain the CoR is named after. As two diplomats from different regions, David and I exchanged tee-shirts. I received a HC at Loess Hills tee-shirt and I gave David a FEMA tee-shirt as well as a souvenir of New Paltz; a tie dye tee-shirt from the Groovy Blueberry. Our next gathering will take place on Nov. 24th at the home of Tswuts-Parach in Saugerties.

End of Entry.

HHC at Skytop Mountain CoR Phone Gathering--Sunday Oct.28th, 2012 HHC at Skytop Mountain held their weekly phone conference. In attendance; MoR, Nitsan-Parach and Elders, Tsuwts-Parach and Isabelle. There is a super storm about to hit the Northeast and many of the Elders were preparing and unable to attend the call. This call focused on the preparations for the storm and how we will stay in touch with each other to make sure everyone is alright. End of Entry.

HHC at Skytop Mountain CoR Phone Gathering--Sunday Nov. 4th, 2012 HHC at Skytop Mountain held their weekly phone conference. In attendance; MoR, Nitsan-Parach, and Elders Tsuwts-Parach, Isabelle, Fred, and Joe. The super storm hit the Northeast and many of the Elders were unable to attend the call. Of the Elders who did attend, Joe had to leave early due to service personal arriving at his home and his having to be available. This call focused on needs that may exist due to the superstorm, Sandy, passing - as well as any other needs that may have come up since last weekly conference call. It was determined that while some had lost power, etc. that all were in good stead, and not having needs they could not handle themselves. A goodly amoount of time was spent talking about an Elder of another CoR here in the Northeast, Bob (the fox) Boyd, who lives on Long Island in New York; but who no one had heard from since the Tuesday just after Sandy went through. Brainstorming, we settled down on what more could be tried to reach Bor or others who could get to his home while we would continue our attempts to contact Bob via the only two phone numbers we had for him. Before Joe had to leave, it was determined that he and his family were ok, but that his brother-in-law had lost his home. Joe agreed to keep us apprized as to what needs - if any - his broter-in-law may have after he, his local and extended family, and whatever insurance company he has have done all they can, and how we maybe can help to make up the difference. Joe thought he might be helping by doing some manual labor in support of his brothr-in-law's home rebuilt - to which one of the Elders offered to help in that capscity in whatever way they can. I was told, while away during the call myself, looking for other contact means for reaching Bob; Tsuwts-Parach and Fred spoke long on mostly gardening and other "homesteading" topics. Isabelle had to leave early, but she was on for most of the call. End of Entry.

HHC at Skytop Mountain CoR Phone Gathering--Sunday Nov. 4th, 2012 HHC at Skytop Mountain held their weekly phone conference. In attendance; MoR, Nitsan-Parach, and Elders Tsuwts-Parach, Isabelle, Fred, and Joe. The super storm hit the Northeast and many of the Elders were unable to attend the call. Of the Elders who did attend, Joe had to leave early due to service personal arriving at his home and his having to be available. This call focused on needs that may exist due to the superstorm, Sandy, passing - as well as any other needs that may have come up since last weekly conference call. It was determined that while some had lost power, etc. that all were in good stead, and not having needs they could not handle themselves. A goodly amoount of time was spent talking about an Elder of another CoR here in the Northeast, Bob (the fox) Boyd, who lives on Long Island in New York; but who no one had heard from since the Tuesday just after Sandy went through. Brainstorming, we settled down on what more could be tried to reach Bor or others who could get to his home while we would continue our attempts to contact Bob via the only two phone numbers we had for him. Before Joe had to leave, it was determined that he and his family were ok, but that his brother-in-law had lost his home. Joe agreed to keep us apprized as to what needs - if any - his broter-in-law may have after he, his local and extended family, and whatever insurance company he has have done all they can, and how we maybe can help to make up the difference. Joe thought he might be helping by doing some manual labor in support of his brothr-in-law's home rebuilt - to which one of the Elders offered to help in that capscity in whatever way they can. I was told, while away during the call myself, looking for other contact means for reaching Bob; Tsuwts-Parach and Fred spoke long on mostly gardening and other "homesteading" topics. Isabelle had to leave early, but she was on for most of the call. End of Entry.

HHC at Skytop Mountain CoR Phone Gathering--Sunday Nov. 4th, 2012

HHC at Skytop Mountain held their weekly phone conference. In attendance; MoR, Nitsan-Parach, and Elders Tsuwts-Parach, Isabelle, Fred, and Joe. The super storm hit the Northeast and many of the Elders were unable to attend the call. Of the Elders who did attend, Joe had to leave early due to service personal arriving at his home and his having to be available.

This call focused on needs that may exist due to the superstorm, Sandy, passing - as well as any other needs that may have come up since last weekly conference call. It was determined that while some had lost power, etc. that all were in good stead, and not having needs they could not handle themselves.

A goodly amoount of time was spent talking about an Elder of another CoR here in the Northeast, Bob (the fox) Boyd, who lives on Long Island in New York; but who no one had heard from since the Tuesday just after Sandy went through. Brainstorming, we settled down on what more could be tried to reach Bor or others who could get to his home while we would continue our attempts to contact Bob via the only two phone numbers we had for him.

Before Joe had to leave, it was determined that he and his family were ok, but that his brother-in-law had lost his home. Joe agreed to keep us apprized as to what needs - if any - his broter-in-law may have after he, his local and extended family, and whatever insurance company he has have done all they can, and how we maybe can help to make up the difference. Joe thought he might be helping by doing some manual labor in support of his brothr-in-law's home rebuilt - to which one of the Elders offered to help in that capscity in whatever way they can.

I was told, while away during the call myself, looking for other contact means for reaching Bob; Tsuwts-Parach and Fred spoke long on mostly gardening and other "homesteading" topics.

Isabelle had to leave early, but she was on for most of the call.

End of Entry.

The regularly scheduled conference call, while scheduled, was not attended. A number of HCSM Elders were on Long Island in New York helping an older couple whose first floor was flooded by "Sandy," the "super storm."

End of Entry.

HCSM CoR met for our monthly gathering in Saugerties, NY 11/24/2012 today at the home of Elder Tsuwts-Parach and the boy, Malchi-Tzeddek. In attendance were: HCSM CoR Elders: Claude E. (and his wife Dianne), Isabelle E., Tsuwts-Parach and Malchi-Tzeddek, and myself, Nitsan-Parach. Also in attendance as guests were HHC Network participants Gordon C. (from Connecticut), and Guy Te W. (from New York about 45 minutes away). Isabelle had phoned HHC Network participants Gordon C. and Guy Te W. to arrange for Gordon to pick-up Guy Te before continuing on to Isabelle's area where they then rode on to Saugerties - arriving at about 11am. This had been the first time Gordon had met Tsuwts-Parach and Malchi-Tzeddek, and the first time any of us had met Guy Te.

With the reasons known why some HCSM CoR Elders were not in attendance, and that those reasons were not for any cause requiring this HC office to be alarmed; other than the HCSM CoR Elders in attendance verifying their contact info as being present and accurate on the list I'd compiled from them for dissemination to all HCSM CoR Elders, no other official HCSM or CoR matters were addressed.

Tsuwts-Parach prepared a meal, and together with what some others brought and contributed, we all had enough to eat. The time was relaxed before, during, and after the meal with everyone freely engaging in conversation throughout our time together. Claude and Dianne needed to leave early enough to make it back to their Vermont home before gettting dark as there was some unknown problem with their vehicle's electrical that prevented the headlights from coming on. After the rest of us had taken a short walk around the Co-Housing grounds, Isabelle and HHC Network participant guests, Gordon and Guy Te left at about quarter past 6pm.

Thank you all who could make it, and sorry for those of you who could not. I look forward to the next time we gather in person.

Until then, I hope we'll be talking with you at our weekly conference calls.


(If others who'd taken pictures will send me their photos, I'll gladly add them.)...

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