Modern Christians
Early Christians
Modern Christians practice Religion
Early Christians practiced Pure Religion
Modern Christians depend on civil Benefactors.
Early Christians provided social welfare with Charity because Jesus said so.
Modern Christians think they just have to imagine they believe to obtain Eternal life.
Early Christians thought they had to seek to keep the commandments to obtain Eternal life because Jesus said so.
Modern Christians think they just have to say they believe.
Early Christians knew they had to strive[1] to be do the will of the Father if they believed.
Modern Christians make men their Father by applying to them all the time,
Early Christians Did not call any man on earth their Father
Modern Christians think it is okay to covet benefits provided by men who take from their neighbor.
Early Christians knew that they could not inherit the kingdom if they were covetous.[2]
Modern Christians think they are saved no matter what they do.
Early Christians know they must seek the righteousness of God if they are to inherit His kingdom[3]
Modern Christians think they are saved by what they think is true faith
Early Christians know that faith with out works is not real faith and is dead.[4]
Modern Christians sign up for every socialist program from public education and social Security to welfare and healthcare despite Christ's warning about the Corban of the Pharisees.
Early Christians died rather than sign up for the public welfare programs of the governments of Rome and other countries which brought about the Christian conflict.
Modern Christians take oaths and swear binding themselves to the will of others.
Early Christians and for centuries Christians were persecuted and executed because they refused to take oaths or even affirm because Jesus and James said above all else stop the taking of oaths and swearing.[5]
Modern Christians
Early Christians
Modern Christians
Early Christians
Modern Christians
Early Christians
Modern Christians
Early Christians