Roger Ver
For those with limited understanding and interest in Bitcoin, it is doubly unfortunate when their only exposure to bitcoin is through interviews like the one between Roger Ver and Tucker Carlson (a self-admitted tech neophyte). The purpose of this page is to help negate the confusion sewed by Roger Ver about Bitcoin.
This same spirit of confusion is sewn by such luminaries as Whitney Webb and Catherine Austin Fitts. While they offer tons of great information, their shallow understanding of Bitcoin allows them to associate it with the darkness of things like CBDCs rather than as the fierce tool of freedom. Wallowing in that confusion and darkness keeps multitudes from discovering and working toward the exciting potential offered by Bitcoin. In the meantime, those multitudes continue in the poverty and comfort provided by the fiat system where the value of their labor (and donations to charitable organizations) is melted away at roughly 10% per year.
This video queued to the point in the show where the subject of Roger Ver is brought up. All speakers are libertarian-leaning and came to bitcoin before the split with Roger Ver. All respected Roger Ver at the time and struggled with the issues around the split. Their insights offer a perspective that is quite different than the one painted by Roger Ver.
This entire podcast provides a firsthand account—and a very different perspective—of the blocksize war period where Roger Ver claims that Bitcoin was compromised.
Popular libertarian and survivalist podcaster Jack Spirko was around during the blocksize wars in which Roger Ver didn't get his way. Jack and guest Guy Swann shed light on that time and offer a different perspective than the one painted by Roger. Video queued to start at the Roger Ver discussion.

The Blocksize War was the first exhaustive book written following the subject matter and offers a more objective overview than Roger Ver's ghost-written, sour-grapes, torpedo of the present version of Bitcoin that survived the war.
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