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05892 ^ריע^ ‘iyr \@eer\@ AyinYodReish or (in the plural) ^רע^ ‘ar \@awr\@ or ^ריע^ ‘ayar (#Jud 10:4) \@aw-yar’\@ a city (a place guarded by waking or a watch) in the widest sense (even of a mere encampment or post); from 05782 spelled AyinVavReish עוּר‎ ‘uwr [oor] a primitive root [identical to 05783 עוּר‎ to be exposed, translated "Naked" through the idea of opening the eyes]; v; [BDB-734b] [{See TWOT on 1 587 }] AV-(stir, lift … .) up 40, awake 25, wake 6, raise 6, arise 1, master 1, raised out 1, variant 1; 81

1) to rouse oneself, awake, ; n m; {See TWOT on 1587 @@ "1587a"} {See TWOT on 1615} AV-city 1074, town 7, every one 2, variant 6; 1089
1) excitement, anguish
1a) of terror
2) city, town (a place of waking, guarded)
2a) city, town