
Naturally occurring raw milk is in danger of becoming a scarce resource. Understanding the reasons behind this conjures up memories of millions of Russian deaths due to the deliberate mass starvation created by Joseph Stalin.
Web Resources Dangers of (pasteurized) milk and dairy products Benefits of raw milk
Find local sources of raw milk (clickable links by State/County) Great resource for info about raw milk throughout the US
CHORE TIME: Milking made easier by planning ahead - From grass to glass, a complete guide to raw milk production. View videos of the two DVDs online: Part 1 and Part 2 or buy them among many other great educational books and DVDs from the FarmToConsumer Shop.
101 Uses For Soured Raw Milk • 20 Ways to Use Sour Raw Milk
The Complete Patient with David E. Gumpert
Know thy enemy... Food Safety News is a good place to keep tabs on raw milk news...although the perspective is biased toward anit-raw.
Raw Milk Institute "Farmer to Family - Standards & Mentoring"
The Raw Truth About Milk by William Cambell Douglas
The Raw Milk Revolution: Behind America's Emerging Battle Over Food Rights by David E. Gumpert
The Sheer Ecstasy of Being a Lunatic Farmer by Joel Salatin
Everything I Want to Do is Illegal by Joel Salatin
FARMEGEDDON: The Unseen war on American Family Farms
- Trailer
- Buy DVD on Amazon
- Producer interview on Alex Jones
- Producer interview on Health Ranger Mike Adams
WAR ON HEALTH: The FDA's Cult of Tyranny - 2 hr 5 min documentary explains the FDA's is systematic war against healthy, naturally occurring food in favor of in favor of corporately-produced food-like substances. The video begins with a 27 minute introduction by Gary Null at the film's world premiere in New York.
Dairy Farmer Harassment in the News
Continuous updates on the raw milk movement
- 2019-12-12 Bill to Allow Interstate Traffic of Raw Milk Introduced in US House of Representatives
- 2019-10-17 Most U.S. Dairy Cows Are Descended From Just 2 Bulls. That's Not Good
- 2019-08-02 Plant milks worse for environment than cow milk: Fonterra
- 2019-05-01 Raw Butter Sales Now Legal in Tennessee
- 2019-03-02 Thanks to Decades of Government Meddling, U.S. Dairy Is Going Through a Crisis
- 2019-02-11 Raw Cow’s Milk and Its Protective Effect on Allergies and Asthma
- 2019-01-10 Tennessee: Illegal to Drink Milk from Your Own Cow
- 2018-09-29: RAW MILK: Like No Other Food On Earth, a talk by Mark McAfee (1:19)
- 2018-08-17: Why You’ve Never Heard of The Mayo Clinic’s “Raw Milk Cure”
- 2018-07-19: FDA debates re-defining the term milk
- 2018-01-18: Everything You Know About Cheese Is A Lie!
- 2017-08-21: Sugars in Human Mother's Milk are New Class of Antibacterial Agents
- 2017-07-06: Use of Oxytocin in Dairy Animals and Its Harmful Effects
- 2017-05-22: Butter Is Back
- 2017-05-19: Milk Wars Battle on: Farmer’s Raw Milk versus Big Dairy's Pasteurized
- 2017-05-08: Eating cheese does not raise risk of heart attack or stroke, study finds
- 2017-05-01(US): Why your ‘organic’ milk may not be organic
- 2017-04-27(Wisconsin): Why People Are Smuggling Illicit, Delicious Butter Into Wisconsin
- 2017-03-29(US): The secretive US funding behind the Got Milk? ads finally gets scrutiny
- 2017-02-07(US): FDA Milk Prohibition Is Dirty Dairy’s Scheme
- 2017-02-01(North Dakota): Proposed North Dakota law would legalize raw milk and end “milk prohibition”
- 2017-01-18(US): Milk Producers Drove Up the Price of Milk by Prematurely Killing Half a Million Cows
- 2016-11-15(US): Big Dairy Beware: Donald Trump Drinks Raw Milk!
- 2016-10-12(US): America’s Dairy Farmers Dump 43 Million Gallons of Excess Milk
- 2016-10-05(US): Cheese is A Nutritional Powerhouse but THIS Type of American Cheese Can Kill You'
- 2016-09-13(UK): Is It Time To Let Dairy Fail?
- 2016-09-10(Florida): Dairy Lobby Sides with Florida in Orwellian Attempt to Redefine 'Skim Milk'
- 2016-05-02(Video): How big government helps big dairy sell milk
- 2016-04-18(Louisiana): Louisiana Senate Passes Bill Legalizing the Sale of Raw Milk
- 2016-04-12(US): Milk Jumps Onto the Small-Batch Bandwagon
- 2016-03-29(Audio): Interview with Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund
- 2016-02-17(UK): Study Finds Surprising Differences Between Organic And Conventional Milk And Meats
- 2016-02-02(Munich): Higher omega-3 content in fresh cow's milk reduces asthma risk
- 2016-01-21(Illinois): Illinois switch: On-the-farm raw milk sales now legal
- 2015-12-16(Texas): Eldon Hooley Convicted over City Food Code Violation in Texas
- 2015-12-14(Texas): Fort Worth illegal milk trial churns up drama
- 2015-12-12(Texas): City of Fort Worth Levies $3,000 Fine to Raw Milk Dairy, Located Outside of City Limits
- 2015-12-11(US): Pesticide Found in Milk in the ‘80s May Be Linked to Signs of Parkinson’s
- 2015-12-07(US): Pasteurized Despite FDA Alarm Bells
- 2015-10-28(Canada): Raw Milk Farmer Charged For Removing Hidden Government Cameras Spying On His Property
- 2015-10-06(US): For decades, the government steered millions away from whole milk. Was that wrong?
- 2015-10-04(Video): Livestock Nutritionist Defends Raw Milk Safety
- 2015-10-02(Canada): Canadians Just Prevented Full Dairy Raid On Michael Schmidt
- 2015-9-30(Video): Documentary: Farming In Fear
- 2015-9-24(US): New Congressional Bills Aim to Protect Consumer Access to Raw Milk
- 2015-7-01(US): The U.S. Is Producing a Record Amount of Milk and Dumping the Leftovers
- 2015-6-22(NZ): The Milkman Returns: NZ Approves Raw Milk Sales and Delivery
- 2015-5-16(US): The Case for Drinking Whole Milk
- 2015-3-13(Texas): FDA Investigates Listeria monocytogenes in Ice Cream Products from Blue Bell Creameries
- 2015-3-11(Minnesota): Government Suppression of Dairy Farms that Produce and Sell Raw Milk
- 2015-3-3(Wyoming): Governor Signs Wyoming Food Freedom Act
- 2015-2-26(US): What’s Behind the Government’s Hatred of Raw Milk?
- 2015-2-9(US): Grocery Stores Are Running Out of Organic Milk
- 2015-2-2(US): The Risk of Raw Milk
- 2015-1-26(US): The Non-GMO Dairy Revolution
- 2014-12-24(US): FTCLDF - The Voice of the Local Food Movement
- 2014-12-14(US): Human milk has a microbiome - and the bacteria are protecting mothers and infants!
- 2014-12-11(US): “Factory Farms” Producing Massive Quantities of Organic Milk and Eggs
- 2014-11-30(Europe): New study proves raw milk protects children from respiratory infections, fever, and inflammation of the middle ear!
- 2014-11-29(Europe): European study finds raw milk boosts immunity, prevents colds and infections
- 2014-11-26(US): Why we pass on the semi-skimmed and low-fat dairy
- 2014-11-25(US): Coca-Cola enters dairy market with ‘Milka-Cola’
- 2014-11-03(Europe): (Pasteurized) Milk Does Not Do A Body Good
- 2014-10-29(US): 7 Reasons To Choose Only Organic Dairy Products
- 2014-10-20(US): Raw Milk – Hazardous to Healthcare Industry
- 2014-09-25(US): Nostalgia for an old-fashioned milk bottle
- 2014-08-22(US): Scientists Developing Cow Free Milk
- 2014-07-28(UK): The conspiracy to stop us drinking real milk
- 2014-07-23(US): Butter Surges to 16-Year High as U.S. Exports Cut Reserve
- 2014-07-23(Michigan): Michigan Forces Farmer to Destroy 248 Gallons of Organic Milk and 100 Dozen Free Range Eggs
- 2014-07-22(Video): Mercola: Raw Milk versus Pasteurized—Which Is Safer?
- 2014-07-09(US): Children on dairy farms run one-tenth the risk of developing allergies; Dairy farm exposure also beneficial during pregnancy
- 2014-07-08(Vermont): Vermont Farmers Markets to Allow Raw Milk Delivery
- 2014-07-07(US): Historic Approach to Raw Milk Regulation Comes Back Again
- 2014-07-03(US): 9 Reasons To Stop Drinking Any Kind of Pasteurized Milk
- 2014-06-10(US): The Government Is Cracking Down on Artisanal Cheese
- 2014-05-16(US): The Milkman Cometh: An Old-Fashioned Tradition Revived
- 2014-04-30(Video): Government raids Amish farmer
- 2014-04-18(US): Left-Right Coalition Introduces Two New Raw Milk Freedom Bills
- 2014-04-10(Illinois): Illinois Legislators Back Off Raw Milk Ban After Consumer Outrage
- 2014-03-25(US): Butter Is Back
- 2014-03-12(US): You're Drinking the Wrong Kind of Milk
- 2014-02-16(Europe): Europe embraces healthy raw dairy by unveiling fresh milk vending machines
- 2014-02-05(US): More people ignoring government propaganda, choosing raw milk over pasteurized
- 2013-12-10(Video): The largest U.S. study offers insight into the benefits of organic whole milk.
- 2013-08-15(Maine): State Threatens to Take Baby Over Homemade Goat Milk Formula
- 2013-07-06(US): 6 Reasons Why Raw Milk is Special
- 2013-06-22(Wisconsin): Jurors at Raw Milk Trial Feel Misled and Haunted by Case
- 2013-06-17(US): New Studies Confirm: Raw Milk A Low-Risk Food
- 2013-05-28(Wisconsin): Jury: Hershberger free to produce healthy food for neighbors
- 2013-04-05(US): Flawed Government Report Used to Block State Raw Milk Freedom
- 2013-03-27(Montana): Montana Passes Raw Milk Bill With “Big Sky” Size Loophole
- 2013-03-26(US): Poorly titled, but good article on strategic actions by raw milk producers
- 2013-03-05(Minnesota): Raw Milk Farmer Needs Jury Nullification Again
- 2013-02-28(Iowa): Raw Milk May Soon Be Legal In Iowa
- 2013-02-23(US): Big Dairy Wants Artificial Sweeteners in Milk, Not on Label
- 2013-02-14(Minnesota): Judge Won't Drop Acquitted Charges in New Trial Against Raw Milk Farmer
- 2013-02-13(US): Country’s Largest Raw Milk Supplier Sues FDA for Ban on Interstate Sales
- 2013-01-25(Video): Final FDA Raid and Takeover of Morningland Raw Milk and Cheese Dairy
- 2013-01-18(Europe): American Milk Banned in Europe Because it Does No Body Good
- 2013-01-07(Minnesota): After Victory, Raw Milk Farmer Faces Same Charges in Different County
- 2012-12-30(US): With Milk Prices Set To Increase, Lawmakers Agree To Farm Bill Compromise
- 2012-12-28(US): Without subsidies, milk costs would be double the store prices
- 2012-12-27(US): Milk at $8 a Gallon Within Weeks Due to Washington Gridlock
- 2012-11-12(US): USDA list of chemicals allowed in meat, poultry and egg products.
- 2012-10-22(NZ): Pasteurization of milk causes allergies, raw milk doesn't. Solution: create a genetically modified mutant cloned cow which produces a reduced-allergen milk
- 2012-09-20(Minnesota): Minnesota farmer cleared in milk case
- 2012-08-29(Missouri): Farmer Wins Stressful 3-Year State Legal Battle -- Raw Dairy Sales Upheld
- 2012-07-16(US): Non-Dairy Milk Additive Could Make You Sick
- 2012-05-09(US): Raw Milk Reality: Is Raw Milk Dangerous?
- 2012-05-08(US): Pig Blood Safer than Fresh Milk?
- 2012-03-21(US): 7 Recent Victories for Raw Milk Freedom Advocates
- 2012-03-05(California): No Justice Allowed? Raw Milk Provider Held on $1 Million Bail
- 2012-02-26(VIDEO): Illegal Everything - 43 minute report by John Stossel on the over-abundance of laws. Includes limits on milk, lemonade stands, food imports, land improvements drugs, prostitution, etc.
- 2012-02-29(Wisconsin): Vernon Hershberger ready to go to jail over food rights
- 2012-02-24(Wisconsin): Hershberger Faces Possible 3-year Prison Term for Feeding Community
- 2012-02-22(NaturalNews): Pasteurized milk 150 times more contaminated with blood, pus and feces than fresh milk
- 2012-02-13(Pennsylvania): Feds shut down Amish farm for selling fresh milk
- 2012-01-01(Video): Dr Mercola contrasts the health benefits of raw milk to the problems of pasteurized milk
- 2011-12-07(Indiana): Sheriff protecting his voters, including raw milk farmer, from Fed goons
- 2011-11-17(California): Raw Milk Products Recalled + Recall Upheld After Children Sickened in California
- 2011-10-21(Video): Devil in the Milk (Non-healthy A1 vs healthy A2A2 milk)
- 2011-09-15(Wisconsin): Judge: No fundamental right to own a cow or consume its milk
- 2011-09-07(Wisconsin): FDA Says You Have No Fundamental Right to Grow or Eat Healthy Food, It’s a Privilege
- 2011-08-11(VIDEO): The Last Farm in the City - California thinks milking goats is a criminal activity
- 2011-08-05(General): Monsanto’s FDA Goes After the Country’s Only Safe Milk
- 2011-08-04(VIDEO): ReasonTV reports on Rawesome raid
- 2011-08-03(VIDEO): Amateur video of Rawesome raid
- 2012-07-07(UK): It's not all white: The cocktail of up to 20 chemicals in a glass of milk
- 2011-06-30(VIDEO): Agenda 21 Coming to a Farm Near You! U.S. Government OPENLY Destroying America!
- 2011-06-29(VIDEO): ReasonTV: The Unseen War on American Farms
- 2011-06-11(US): Legalize Milk, Real Milk
- 2011-06-03(VIDEO): Political control Freaks take over Farmers Market
- 2011-05-25(VIDEO): Dr Ron Paul on Raw Milk Freedom
- 2011-05-18(VIDEO): Judge Napolitano addresses federal raids on raw milk providers
- 2011-05-16(VIDEO): Political "Moovement" on Capitol Hill
- 2011-03-24(VIDEO): TEDxAustin: Robyn O'Brien shares her personal story and how it inspired her current path as a "Real Food" evangelist
- 2010-02-28(US): Why skin milk will make you fat and give you heart disease
- 2010-10-06(VIDEO): Stephen Colbert's humorous report on original Rawesome raid
- 2009-11-07(Slovenia): Milk-O-Matic raw milk vending machine a big hit in Slovenia
- 2008-06-13(VIDEO): Your Milk on drugs
- 2008-06-03(VIDEO): FOX News bows to Monsanto and kills story on milk hormone
- 2008-02-08(VIDEO): Monsanto's Toxic Milk - Banned in Europe
- 2001-12-31 (VIDEO): Formula – Homemade Baby Formula
- Raw Milk Insanity