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April 12,2020

It is the time of year where people shift their thoughts towards God and all He has done for us.

Can we include in those thought this marvelous miracle He gave to each of us we call the human body? Our bodies have a complex, built-in pharmaceutical laboratory capable of identifying disease, formulating a targeted response, and implementing a healing plan in a matter of hours, rather than taking many months and costing hundreds of millions of dollars. And they have been naturally fulfilling this function for millennia.

A study done at Oxford University, and duplicated at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Queens reveals that, while being an extremely contagious and quickly spreading disease, COVID-19 manifests asymptomatically (no symptoms) in over half the population, and has symptoms so mild in many cases that those infected do not notice or seek medical attention. The Oxford study posits that half of the population in the UK have already had the coronavirus and recovered from it. That is 33+ Million people who likely did not even know they had contracted the disease, or spent a couple weeks at home resting to recover! Perhaps you, or someone you know has mentioned they have already had it. And all those who have recovered have lifetime immunity to it.

Using these numbers to do the math casts a much different profile on the nature of the outbreak and opens new possibilities for society to react to it.

Please do not think that I am trivializing the dangers associated with this disease. It has proven to be extremely deadly to those who having compromised immune systems like the elderly or those with pre-existing maladies or weaknesses. Those people should rightly take great care, self-quarantine and exercise necessary measures to strengthen their immune systems. Every death is tragic. I know people who have recovered, and I know people who have died from it. How will this epidemic compare to the seasonal flu? Or nearly 70,000 (US) dying from drug overdoses. Or the 300,000 (US) who yearly die of obesity? Or the 640,000 (US) dying of heart disease? Or the nearly 2 million dying of tuberculosis? Where is the media coverage of those? How many suicides and cases of depression will come from those who have lost their jobs or businesses due to this economic shutdown?

Facebook asked what was on my mind, so there you have it. I have faith in this miraculous body I have been given, and the God who gave it to me. Let’s all use reason. The truth, whatever it is, will set you free.

To see more details on our research into these studies and other aspects of this coronavirus outbreak, you can visit: coronavirus

Perspectives on the Pandemic Part 1

March 26, 2020. Perspectives on the Pandemic - Dr. John Ioannidis of Stanford University. Early estimates were not validated at the time. Many people are not showing systems and so the death rate is lower than the common flu.

Diamond Princess cruise mean age was 65 which gives a rate of death as low as 0.1% for the general population. Not the plague numbers the media hype has used to panic the population. Explains Italy's high numbers at 17 minutes. 25 minutes warns that the lockdown may cause billions of deaths. 34 minutes in he says this flue is showing little or no difference than any other year. 39 minutes The panic caused by media is making it worse. 43:50 Warns that a rush to get solutions may cause greater damage including the quick production of a vaccine. 49 minutes Closing schools may be causing more harm than good. 53 minutes Bias from the wrong conclusion and inadequate data. A pandemic of media coverage. 59 minutes do not want to destroy lives economically. - Episode 1 Time 1:02:46

Perspectives on the Pandemic Part 2

Perspectives on the Pandemic Episode 2: In this explosive second edition of Perspectives on the Pandemic, Professor Knut Wittkowski, for twenty years head of The Rockefeller University's Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design, says that social distancing and lockdown is the absolutely worst way to deal with an airborne respiratory virus.

Further, he offers data to show that China and South Korea had already reached their peak number of cases when they instituted their containment measures. In other words, nature had already achieved, or nearly achieved, herd immunity. Episode one Time 41:30

Professors Push Back On Pandemic Models

Professors Push Back On Pandemic Models: Be Honest About What Happens After Lockdowns Are Lifted By James Barrett MARCH 31ST, 2020