Mark Vernuccio
Mark is a Personal Contact Minister in Australia
Melbourne in Victoria, Australia
Hi I’m Mark from Queensland, Australia. I was born in 1974 to Italian and Maltese immigrants, and am presently working on building yurts for camping and festival hire. After seeking truth for many years I understand that not taking by force but having the liberty to freely give and receive is one of the main keys to the kingdom of God. I have come to realise with the materials provided by His Holy Church that the kingdom of God is the ideal actual government, with a real economy and other mechanisms designed by the Creator to far exceed any attempt by man to provide for the health, welfare, education, general well being, prosperity and life of humankind which the modern “church” seems to know nothing about. This is the Way of Christ that is being revealed to us and that I believe will be revealed to the whole world in time to come.
I recently travelled to Summer Lake to attend the 2016 Burning Bush Festival when something happened on my way home. While I was waiting to board my plane at Redmond Oregon on my way home from Summer Lake I found myself sitting next to someone very interesting to me indeed.
Just before I heard Brother Gregory speak the gospel almost ten years ago I was excommunicated from the Melbourne congregation of a splinter group of the World Wide Church of God started by Herbert Armstrong for questioning the state. I was told that I was to be subject to exercising authorities at the risk of excommunication but I could not deny that I saw a problem with the doctrine so they jettisoned me.
The person at the airport I sat next to happened to be Joseph Tkach Jr. the son of Joseph Tkach Sr. who was the man that took over the entire World Wide Church of God from Herbert Armstrong when he died. Now he, as son of his father Joseph who also has died, is head of that very church of around 60,000 members worldwide. It has changed its name since but of course I recognised him and we got talking and I asked him for a photo and his card and then went on to tell him the story of how I was in that church and got kicked out and about how exactly a church registered with the state like his is disqualified from being a church established by Jesus Christ and why.
He told me that the separation of Church and State was implemented by the founding fathers so there could be no favouritism by the state of any Christian denominations. I told him that it was because they were supposed to stay separate and that his, wasn't. He didn't know what to say.
Full circle...
Contact email: vernuccio at gmail dot com
Contact phone: plus six one three, 400, three four nine, 100 (international)