Jason Sobiski
Personal History (if you're in a hurry, you can skip this and proceed to "Welcome", below)
I began my journey with an examination of law. It started with the law of man. Statute law really. I think I was defending a traffic ticket. I was a recovering Catholic turned Atheist/Agnostic (never really did commit). As time and studies continued, I learned of this idea called "common law". In seeking it's origins, I came across the Scriptures and realized they were the basis of that law. As my studies continued, I decided to read the whole thing (and a lot more so-called apocrypha to boot). As I read, I learned of the Covenant and promises of The Eternal and realized that His program (in the Perfect Law of Liberty) sounded a WHOLE LOT better than the binding agreements under which I had self-subjected that consumed my life and ate out my substance.
I began to follow The Law (as best I understood it at the time) but realized that there was much Scripture that I didn't understand. While I had (and have still) a burning passion to seek liberty and Follow the Laws of the Creator, some pieces were missing, inconsistant and just plain didn't "fit." The way I relate this to folks now is that if, as you read scripture, it sounds "hokey" or "goofy," (men speaking to stones, killing their children, being punished for tilling their fields, uncovering and covering nakedness, being instructed to "hate" your family members &c.) then there's something you're not yet seeing. I came to realize that I had been deceived. I further realized that the deception had many roots, but the motive was unimportant, as the end result was the same. Whether through neglect, ignorance, tradition, poor translation, deliberate concealment/confusion (see IS 28:11 and MT 13:11), or outright wickedness.
to the living network! Email is nice, but let's face it, what you seek is the company of others, who, like you want to follow the perfect law of liberty! Now, imagine a community of fellowship in free assembly (a Congregation of Record) right here in Ohio. Together we can make this a reality.
My immediate family includes my wife Heather and our four children. We are currently living near Lake Erie in Lorain County. This is about 45 Minutes west of Downtown Cleveland. We are small scale subsistence farmers using "organic" methods to raise clean food (meats, veggies, fruit and eggs) in compliance with Our Father's Precepts. We like to see ourselves as "in-training" to farm in this manner on a larger scale so that we may share our clean food (and methodology) with others who also seek to nourish their families in His Word and Ways ;-)
I hope you will take the time to read through the WEALTH of information available on Kingdom principles, and to explore the community we currently have. When you are ready to take that next step, I hope you will consider allowing me to serve as your contact Minister. The first step is to follow this link.
I welcome you to contact me at jsobiski at yahoo dot com
Jason Sobiski has volunteered to serve as a PCM for Ohio. Your vote will enable him to better serve.
NE Ohio