Scott is a Personal Contact Minister in Iowa
Ozark Jungle, Missouri
I was born in 1964 and grew up in southwest Iowa on the homestead land my mother's family settled back in the mid 1800s in the Loess Hills, a few miles east of the Missouri River. Being a child of Uncle Sam and descendent of Cain, at least metaphorical due to my birth status and conditioning, I couldn't wait to get off the farm and into the real world. I pretty much left home as soon as I graduated from High School, leaving for college but never really returning other than for holidays or if I needed something from my family. I lived all over the United States, at last count I have had nearly 30 different mailing addresses after I left home as a young worldly, secular humanist out to live the dream of all neo-Romans.
Spiritual Journey
It wasn't until I was living in Florida working principally as a Federal Aviation Administration licensed aircraft dispatch instructor and examiner that through a long series, of what appeared to be at the time, unrelated events, I was actually learning about the Creator of heaven and earth in an indirect way, which was by studying the Roman civil law, as a requirement of my worldly aviation job. The seemingly random events and epiphanies of, for lack of a better word, enlightenment, took me down the proverbial rabbit hole to what I now call "The Adventures in the wondrous Law of Nature and Nature's God." It was through this rabbit hole that I first went the rebellious patriot route and joined forces with the People's Awareness Coalition. After an intense two years of studying about expatriation and early America and the common law of England I decided to selfishly free myself via legal paperwork and expatriate and renounce any and all allegiance to my substitute daddy "Uncle Sam". But this act of selfish rebellion left me fatherless, stateless and without a family, since all the people that I considered my family were still part of Uncle Sam's family of US citizens, US persons, US nationals. Oh sure they were still my family, but I had solidified my position as THE black sheep. Before expatriating I was just the odd one in the family. Now I was really out there. Conversations at family gatherings were strained and my presence would immediately cause people to clam up and change the subject of conversations to very benign and boring topics. No one wanted to talk about anything that might "get me going".
Finding HHC
It was through the People's Awareness Coalition that I first heard about HHC. It seems like that would have been around 2007 or 2008 that I signed up on the HHC groups. While working with PAC I had penned "Oil and Water", under my then very rebellious political name, "Federal Farmer", which was a moniker used by several Anti-Federalists, like Melancton Smith, Richard Henry Lee, and George Clinton, at the time the Federal Constitution was being submitted to the States for ratification. I found out that James Williams, Gregory's son, was turning "Oil and Water" into some kind of multimedia video production for PAC. By this time I had already started reading some of Gregory Williams articles and listening to him when PAC founder L.B. Bork would interview Gregory on his internet radio shows, which convinced me that I should sign up and check it out.
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How to Contact
Ebediah's email: ebediah@gmail.com
Message Phone: 206-350-ate,ate,ate,seven