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New Syndicated Radio Broadcasts

We have been working on creating a number of radio broadcasts that will hopefully bring more people to the Living Network. As people join the different CORE groups as Congregants‎ will get most of the information through their Minister of Record.

Those of you who have not joined Congregations of record Use these group to do so.

To find more people Please

Share this information with friends and other media networks:

Starting December 10th we will be regularly broadcasting on radio Stations

On the 4th of December we will be on KLNG in Omaha, Nebreaska and
On the 10th of December we will be on KCNW in Kansas City, Missouri weekly/

If you would like to support this outreach effort for either station or help us cover broadcasting expenses please donate to:

  • KLNG 4:30 – 4:45PM Thursday - Omaha, Nebraska

Donate to KLNG broadcast Email link:

  • KCNW 5:30 – 5:45PM Wednesday - Kansas City, Missouri

Donate to KCNW broadcast Email link:

We also can be heard on KKVV 1060 AM
in Las Vegas Monday-through- Saturday 9PM & 4:00AM

Expanded Daily Broadcast Schedule:

Shows and individual donation buttons

Join us on The Living Network at:

Or on Facebook at:

Or go to His Holy Church website:

Peace on your house,
Brother Gregory
Minister of His Church
At Summer Lake

If you need help:

Or want to help others:

Join The Living Network of The Companies of Ten
The Living Network | Join Local group | About | Purpose | Guidelines | Network Removal
Contact Minister | Fractal Network | Audacity of Hope | Network Links

About the author


HELP US at His Holy Church spread the word by SUBSCRIBING to many of our CHANNELS and the Network.
The more subscribers will give us more opportunity to reach out to others and build the network as Christ commanded.

Join the network.
Most important is to become a part of the Living Network which is not dependent upon the internet but seeks to form The bands of a free society.
You can do this by joining the local email group on the network and helping one another in a network of Tens.

His Holy Church - YouTube

Bitchute channel will often include material that would be censored.

Rumble Channel gregory144

To read more go to "His Holy Church" (HHC)

Brother Gregory in the wilderness.

About the author, Brother Gregory

PreparingU - YouTube


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X-Space gathering Friday at 6pm PST
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