Gary Kinghorn
Gary has volunteered to serve as a PCM for California but does not yet have the two required votes. Your vote may enable him to better serve.

San Jose, California
Phone: 408.648.3054
Email: gkinghorn (at)
I am a humble servant of the Lord, striving to do His will and in service to His Kingdom. I would love to help you in your efforts to be a part of the network and the Kingdom and joining together to be of service to others, the church and the Lord.
My wife and I live in the South Bay/San Jose area of California and are raising three children currently between the ages of 12 and 8. I'm also a full time tech worker in Silicon Valley. We have been learning and planning for years how to build a viable community for the next generation, and believe that it will be based on the mutual support and caring that only a loving, trusting community advocated by the Lord and His Holy Church can provide.
Recently we built a house in the agricultural region of northwest Argentina, and are now looking at alternatives for a self-sufficient community here in the US.
In the past, I have tried to share my interests and world views with others through blogging and contributed articles, mostly about the economy, geopolitics, freedom and Christianity, some of which has been greatly inspired by Brother Gregory and His Holy Church. I've been fortunate enough to have some of these picked up by Lew Rockwell and other libertarian, freedom loving web sites. If it helps you to get to know me better, feel free to peruse some of these contributions and see if we have grounds for interesting initial discussions: (thanks to Brother Gregory for the insight and inspiration on this one).
Here's a two-part series comparing the gold standard monetary system versus social credit and public banking approaches: Part 1 Part 2 Note: For more on this topic, the best book on biblical economics I have found is Usury in Christendom: The Mortal Sin that Was and Now is Not ( this is one of the resources on the preparingyou Economy section, and my belief is that usury is the source of the current economic woes, not merely unsound money or lack of backing by gold).
We don't have all the answers or all the resources, but what we have, we have to share. My family and I invite new members of the network seeking the Kingdom to meet us and discuss ways can be mutually of service to His Holy Church. We have much to learn from each other, and what we have to share is offered with humility and sincerity.