Contracts, Covenants, and Constitutions
Covenants, Constitutions, and Contracts
Covenants Part I
- 1. The Party of the first part
- The Quiet Revolution
Covenants Part II
- 2. Centralized Authority or Free Dominion
- Customary Law
- Blind Patriotism
Covenants Part IIl
- 3. Is the Constitution constitutional?
- Duplicity in Federalism
- The New King George
Covenants Part IV
- 4. Pursuing Perspective and Precepts
- Early Constitutions
- A King Over Me
- The Horses of Egypt
- The Cost of Government
- Shall he Multiply Wives
- He Shall Read Therein
- Then and Now
Covenants Part V
- 5. Equality of Responsibility and Rights
- Selfish Determination
- No Fuss Selfishness
- Tying the Gordian Knots
- Loosening the Knot
Covenants Part VI
- 6. Bound by Words: Oaths
- Balaamites and Nicolaitans
- There are gods Many
- These Cometh of Evil?
- A Witness from the Past
Covenants Part VII
- 7. Since surrendered, A Quest for freedom
- A Place to Stand
- A New Place to Stand
- Bought and Sold
Covenants Part VIII
- 8. Charters and Oaths
- Recalling Liberty Under God
- Christ and Kingdoms
- The Dominion of Man
- The Corporate Kingdom
- Colonists, Crowns and Contracts
- Good-bye Bondage, Hello Freedom
Covenants Part IX
- 9. Allegiance: We make the constitution constitutional
- State of Fidelity
- Status of a Republic and Democracy
- What You Bind on Earth
- Loosening
- The Invidious Assembly
- The Alien State
- Pitfalls, Traps and Snares
- Religions and the World
- Letters from the Earth
Covenants Part X
- 10. For the people?
- The Democracy Cult
- Cults of the Governed
- The Culture of the Kingdom
- The Kingdom Annotated
- We are to repent
Audio files
Covenants, Constitutions, and Contracts Audio Series in MP3:
- Covenants Audio Series Part I
- CCC The Snare
- Covenants Audio Series Part II
- CCC Constituting Egypt
- Covenants Audio Series Part III
- CCC Party of the first part
- Covenants Audio Series Part IV
- CCC Of, for and by the People
- Covenants Audio Series Part V
- CCC Not Legally Ratified
- Covenants Audio Series Part VI
- CCC Citizenship under gods
- Covenants Audio Series Part VII
- CCC Thou shalt not Covet
- Covenants Audio Series Part VIII
- CCC Solution & Summary.
Contracts, Covenants and Constitutions

Why did John Adams say that the United States Constitution "... was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other"? The book "Contracts, Covenants, and Constitutions" reveals the contrasting nature of a free government and those established by contracts or constitutions. The changes in the reach of the modern American government and the morals of society have altered the path and destiny of a once free people. Chapter-by-chapter this book, free online, brings the original Constitution of the United States into historical contexts and that moral perspective. It also takes a detailed look at the prohibition in the Bible concerning government by contract, and the prohibitions on delegated authority for constitutions we have failed to address. Order
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