Douglas Scofield

Many questions arose in my mind during various encounters at ‘church’. Many years of searching for answers led me to the HHC network. In my twenties, I served as 'church clerk'. In my late forties, I served as an 'elder' (one among five elders) and Sunday school teacher. Infrequent preaching expanded my experiences even further. These all had their place for enriching my life to fine-tune it, yet I pressed in on account of the many questions. Our God reigns. He knows the answers. One of my questions: Why does it seem as though revival is so slow in coming. May the Lord send revival here! Our efforts, coming from carnal wisdom or by human intellect, do not spark revival. Only the Spirit of God has power to fan the fire that burns off the dross in our souls, and He leads the way to full and complete repentance. Have I found answers? Yes, indeed. Do I need more answers? Yes, indeed.
Douglas (Doug) Scofield
Croft Lake Ln.
Bandon, Oregon
Ph. 541 three four seven 4226
About Douglas

Over the years, my efforts included Bible study and meditations for gaining a better understanding of Biblical things. Contemporary issues beg answers, and I look for how they may be addressed from Biblical perspectives. I study Biblical Greek, but I am only a seasoned novice in that realm.
My wife and I have ten children. She is the wife of my youth. Two sons are married, and we have two grand-children. Most of my employment comes by being a self-employed handyman. Together by home schooling, gardening, raising goats, and a myriad of other ‘homesteading’ activities, our family lives by rural American standards, ‘out in the sticks’ of southern Oregon. Some think we are ‘Amish’. We practice alternative home-health care and health maintenance. God is our Rock, and in Him we trust.
Update, March 2015
Douglas congregates with the several Elders of Record who elected Brother Justice as their Minister of Record. Justice is assigned to His Church at Holy Sacrament.
Currently, Douglas carries responsibilities as Minister of Record of His Church at New River (HCNR), and he is trustee of Friends of His Church Missions (FHCM). His Church at New River serves two Elders of Record.
Skills: If the Lord wills, I may travel to provide help, or maybe I can assist you from my home office (handyman counsel over the phone, or maybe some creative helps or tips sent by mail or email):
- repair or rebuild any aspect of a residence or out-building.
- landscape maintenance.
- barn and farm-fence repairs.
- limited experience with appliance repair.
- technical writer
- editing for correct grammar and sentence clarity.
- create or modify graphic images using computer.
- amateur skills as a website editor/creator.
- experienced with Adobe FrameMaker, as a publishing software -- pamphlets, cards, print-ready books or booklets.
The ministry is for purposes of giving aid to the ones who are under duress. God’s divine love is the only way of bringing comfort to the lonely, destitute, imprisoned, sick, lame and blind. May God grant His grace that I might become a better vessel of His love.
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