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Nu (Strong's 3476-3377)

3484 ~Ναΐν~ Nain \@nah-in’\@ probably of Hebrew origin, cf 04999 ^םיענ^; ; n pr loc AV-Nain 1; 1

Nain ="beauty"
1) a village in Galilee located at the north base of Little Hermon

3485 ~ναός~ naos \@nah-os’\@ from a primary naio (to dwell); TDNT-4:880,625; {See TDNT 514} n m AV-temple 45, a shrine 1; 46

1) used of the temple at Jerusalem, but only of the sacred edifice (or sanctuary) itself, consisting of the Holy place and the Holy of Holies (in classical Greek it is used of the sanctuary or cell of the temple, where the image of gold was placed which is distinguished from the whole enclosure)
2) any heathen temple or shrine
3) metaph. the spiritual temple consisting of the saints of all ages joined together by and in Christ

3487 νάρδος nardos [nar’dos] of foreign origin cf. נֵרְדְּ‎, 05373; n f; AV-spikenard + 4101 2; 2

1) nard, the head or spike of a fragrant East Indian plant belonging to the genus Valerianna, which yields a juice of delicious odour which the ancients used (either pure or mixed) in the preparation of a most precious ointment
2) nard oil or ointment

3489 ναυαγέω nauageo [now-ag-eh’-o] from a compound of 3491 and 71; v; TDNT-4:891,627; [{See TDNT 515 }] AV-suffer shipwreck 1, make shipwreck 1; 2

1) to suffer shipwreck

3495 ~νεανίσκος~ neaniskos \@neh-an-is’-kos\@ from the same as 3494; ; n m AV-young man 10; 10

1) a young man, youth
1a) used of a young attendant or servant

3507 νεφέλη nephele [nef-el’-ay] from 3509; n f; TDNT-4:902,628; [{See TDNT 518 }] AV-cloud 26; 26

1) a cloud
1a) used of the cloud which led the Israelites in the wilderness
For Synonyms see entry 5866

3508 Νεφθαλείμ Nephthaleim [nef-thal-ime’] of Hebrew origin 05321 נַפְתָּלִי‎; n pr m; AV-Nephthalim 2, Nephalim 1; 3 Naphtali  = "wrestling"

1) was the sixth son of Jacob, the second child borne to him by Bilhah, Rachel’s slave. His posterity form the tribe of Naphtali.

3509 νέφος nephos [nef’-os] apparently a root word; n n; TDNT-4:902,628; [{See TDNT 518 }] AV-cloud 1; 1

1) a cloud, a large dense multitude, a throng
1a) used to denote a great shapeless collection of vapour obscuring the heavens as opposed to a particular and definite masses of vapour with some form or shape
1b) a cloud in the sky
For Synonyms see entry 5866

3511 νεωκόρος neokoros [neh-o-kor’-os] from a form of 3485Naos temples and koreo (to sweep); n m; AV-worshipper 1; 1

1) one who sweeps and cleans a temple
2) one who has charge of a temple, to keep and adorn it, a sacristan
3) the worshipper of a deity
3a) word appears from coins still extant, it was an honourary title [temple-keeper or temple-warden] of certain cities, esp. in Asia Minor, or in which some special worship of some deity or even some deified human ruler had been established; used of Ephesus

3519 νησιον nesion nay-see’-on; dimin. of 3520; an islet: —  island.

3522 νηστεύω nesteuo [nace-tyoo’-o] from 3523 nestis; v; TDNT-4:924,632; [{See TDNT 521 }] AV-fast 21; 21

(the negative ne + esthio to eat or devour)
1) to abstain as a religious exercise from food and drink: either entirely, if the fast lasted but a single day, or from customary and choice nourishment, if it continued several days

3523 νῆστις nestis [nace’-tis] from the insep. negative particle ne- (not) and 2068 to eat, (consume) a thing; n f; TDNT-4:924,632; [{See TDNT 521 }] AV-fasting 2; 2

1) fasting, not having eaten

3525 ~νήφω~ nepho \@nay’-fo\@ of uncertain affinity; TDNT-4:936,633; {See TDNT 522} v AV-be sober 4, watch 2; 6

1) to be sober, to be calm and collected in spirit
2) to be temperate, dispassionate, circumspect

3528 ~νικάω~ nikao \@nik-ah’-o\@ from 3529 meaning victory; v AV-overcome 24, conquer 2, prevail 1, get the victory 1; 28

1) to conquer
1a) to carry off the victory, come off victorious
1a1) of Christ, victorious over all His foes
1a2) of Christians, that hold fast their faith even unto death against the power of their foes, and temptations andpersecutions
1a3) when one is arraigned or goes to law, to win the case, maintain one’s cause

3530 Νικόδημος Nikodemos [nik-od’-ay-mos] from 3534 nikos victory or to utterly vanquish and 1218 demos people; n pr m; AV-Nicodemus 5; 5

1) a member of the Sanhedrin who took the part of Jesus
as a personal name it may mean "innocent of blood".

3535 Νινευΐ Nineui [nin-yoo-ee’] of Hebrew origin 05210 נִינְוֵה‎; n pr loc; AV-Nineve 1; 1

  • Nineveh  = "offspring of ease: offspring abiding"
1) the capital of the ancient kingdom of Assyria

3539 ~νοιέω~ noieo \@noy-eh’-o\@ from 3563; v AV-understand 10, perceive 2, consider 1, think 1; 14 1) to perceive with the mind, to understand, to have understanding 2) to think upon, heed, ponder, consider

3540 νόημα noema [no’-ay-mah] from 3539 noieo to perceive with the mind, to understand,; n n; TDNT-4:960,636; [{See TDNT 525 }] AV-mind 4, device 1, thought 1; 6

1) a mental perception, thought
2) an evil purpose
3) that which thinks, the mind, thoughts or purposes

3551 ~νόμος~ nomos \@nom’-os\@ from a primary nemo (to parcel out, especially food or grazing to animals); n m AV-law 197; 197

1) anything established, anything received by usage, a custom, a law, a command
1a) of any law whatsoever
1a1) a law or rule producing a state approved of God
1a1a) by the observance of which is approved of God
1a2) a precept or injunction
1a3) the rule of action prescribed by reason
1b) of the Mosaic law, and referring, acc. to the context. either to the volume of the law or to its contents
1c) the Christian religion
the law demanding faith, the moralinstruction given by Christ, esp. the precept concerning love
1d) the name of the more important part (the Pentateuch), is put for the entire collection of the sacred books of the OT

3554 νόσος nosos [nos’-os] of uncertain affinity; n f; TDNT-4:1091,655; [{See TDNT 527 }] AV-disease 6, sickness 5, infirmity 1; 12

1) disease, sickness
  • misery, suffering, distress. madness, vice.

3557 ~νοσφίζομαι~ nosphizomai \@nos-fid’-zom-ahee\@ middle voice from nosphi (apart or clandestinely); ; v AV-keep back 2, purloin 1; 3

1) to set apart, separate, divide
2) to set apart or separate for one’s self
3) to purloin, embezzle, withdraw covertly and appropriate to one’s own use

3558 νότος notos [not’-os] of uncertain affinity; n m; AV-south 4, south wind 3; 7

1) the south wind
2) the south, the southern quarter

3563 ~νοῦς~ nous \@nooce\@ probably from the base of 1097; n m AV-mind 21, understanding 3; 24

1) the mind, comprising alike the faculties of perceiving and understanding and those of feeling, judging, determining
1a) the intellectual faculty, the understanding
1b) reason in the narrower sense, as the capacity for spiritual truth, the higher powers of the soul, the faculty of perceiving divine things, of recognising goodness and of hating evil
1c) the power of considering and judging soberly, calmly and impartially
2) a particular mode of thinking and judging, i.e thoughts, feelings, purposes, desires
For Synonyms see entry 5917