For months, Italy closed the borders, closed the schools, closed the churches, locked everyone in their houses, closed "non-essential" businesses, limited people's right to travel, freely assemble or even go outside and get fresh air and sunlight, without required permission papers provided by the grace of their government.
We and they were told that their medical system would be overwhelmed if the did not force their whole nation into an economic and social shutdown. What they did not tell you is the Italian socialist medical system is overwhelmed every year during average flu seasons. What they did not tell you is that Italy has one of the largest elderly populations per capita in Europe. What they did not tell you is that epidemiologists warned if you slowed and delayed the novel virus's natural progression in society you would only prolong its movement and presence in the population which is exactly what has happened in Italy.
Other countries like Sweden, South Korea, Brazil, Germany, etc. had a more open or moderate approach with what appears to be better results.
The UK delayed their quarantine allowing the virus to spread and now, as a result, new blood tests that identify the actual presence of the virus and its antibodies have now revealed that most people are actually immune to COVID 19.
Most hospitals are not overwhelmed any more than they are during most flu seasons. Italy is overwhelmed every year and has one of the oldest populations in the EU. New York closed a dozen hospitals in the last ten years and reduced bed count in the ones they have... Yes, it moves fast and it is new so there will be a death rate that is higher than some years. But you do not compare death rates to "confirmed cases" for the coronavirus with "estimated cases" and death rates in previous years which the media and CDC have been doing.
Look at the data from the Diamond Princess cruise ship which was full of elderly people.
Far more people have had this virus with little or no symptoms which has allowed it to spread. That is how society develops a robust immune system.
This will become clear if they get good virology tests and we compare outcomes in places like Sweden. But in the meantime, trillions will have been lost and nations will be farther in debt, businesses and lives of millions will be ruined because of fear.
All the dire models were "hypothetical " and are clearly being proved to be wong but the fear remains.
== Hospital closures ==
'''12 Groundbreaking Hospitals in NYC That Have Closed''' by Noah Sheidlower
'''New York has thrown away 20,000 hospital beds, complicating coronavirus fight'''
By Carl Campanile, Julia Marsh, Bernadette Hogan and Nolan HicksMarch 17, 2020
: New York has lost a staggering 20,000 hospital beds over the last two decades to budget cuts and insurance overhauls,... The cutbacks helping fuel New York’s hospital deficit came in waves.
: In 2006, Gov. George Pataki’s Berger Commission recommended cutting 4,200 hospital beds to trim $1.5 billion from New York’s health care system.
'''New York’s Ailing Hospitals'''
: "Albany’s low Medicaid payments have caused many to close."
: "... it’s worth pointing out that the state’s hospital bed shortage is in part due to years of Medicaid mismanagement."
Twenty-some hospitals have closed in New York City alone over the last two decades, most located in low-income communities....
'''Hospital Closures and Medicaid Shifts Took Toll on NYC’s Health'''
Biomerica Signs Two Definitive Agreements with Mount Sinai Medical School in New York to Scale-up a Laboratory Version Serological Test for COVID-19 That Enables High-Volume Screenings in Labs
Published: April 2, 2020 at 8:38 a.m. ET
Biomerica Working With N.Y. Medical School on COVID-19 Antibody Test
Zackary Irani, chairman and CEO, stated, “If person has already been infected with SARS-CoV-2, they develop antibodies through an immune response that should give them immunity. The entire Biomerica team is working tirelessly to make our low-cost tests available to the hundreds of requests we have received. At the same time, we still remaining committed to our strategy of growing our colorectal disease detection product EZ Detect, and finalizing clinical trials and gaining FDA approval for our HP Detect H. Pylori test and our InFoods IBS diagnostic-guided therapy product.”
Currently, the FDA maintains a public list of nearly 50 other serological test manufacturers, the majority based in China, that have notified the agency of their plans to distribute their products in the U.S. without seeking an Emergency Use Authorization.
That list includes BioMedomics, which has announced plans with medtech giant BD and medical supply company Henry Schein to distribute their fingerprick-based version on a large scale. It does not include Hangzhou, China-based Safecare Bio-Tech, maker of tests set to be distributed by BodySphere, which earlier this week incorrectly claimed to have received an FDA authorization.
April 12, 2020
It is the time of year where people shift their thoughts towards God and all He has done for us.
Can we include in those thought this marvelous miracle He gave to each of us we call the human body? Our bodies have a complex, built-in pharmaceutical laboratory capable of identifying disease, formulating a targeted response, and implementing a healing plan in a matter of hours, rather than taking many months and costing hundreds of millions of dollars. And they have been naturally fulfilling this function for millennia.
A study done at Oxford University, and duplicated at Mt. Sinai Hospital in Queens reveals that, while being an extremely contagious and quickly spreading disease, COVID-19 manifests asymptomatically (no symptoms) in over half the population, and has symptoms so mild in many cases that those infected do not notice or seek medical attention. The Oxford study posits that half of the population in the UK have already had the coronavirus and recovered from it. That is 33+ Million people who likely did not even know they had contracted the disease, or spent a couple weeks at home resting to recover! Perhaps you, or someone you know has mentioned they have already had it. And all those who have recovered have lifetime immunity to it.
Using these numbers to do the math casts a much different profile on the nature of the outbreak and opens new possibilities for society to react to it.
Please do not think that I am trivializing the dangers associated with this disease. It has proven to be extremely deadly to those who having compromised immune systems like the elderly or those with pre-existing maladies or weaknesses. Those people should rightly take great care, self-quarantine and exercise necessary measures to strengthen their immune systems. Every death is tragic. I know people who have recovered, and I know people who have died from it. How will this epidemic compare to the seasonal flu? Or nearly 70,000 (US) dying from drug overdoses. Or the 300,000 (US) who yearly die of obesity? Or the 640,000 (US) dying of heart disease? Or the nearly 2 million dying of tuberculosis? Where is the media coverage of those? How many suicides and cases of depression will come from those who have lost their jobs or businesses due to this economic shutdown?
Facebook asked what was on my mind, so there you have it. I have faith in this miraculous body I have been given, and the God who gave it to me. Let’s all use reason. The truth, whatever it is, will set you free.
To see more details on our research into these studies and other aspects of this coronavirus outbreak, you can visit: coronavirus