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Your body certainly replicates foreign exosomes. That is how you get herd immunity. Exosomes are simply tiny containers of RNA with key spikes. They are a part of cell communication in your body and can shed or secrete to others. That is a good thing. You can pass immunity to other people once you have overcome something. Our bodies can replicate other human RNA where we pick up immunity and can turn on things. We should not replicate most foreign DNA nor RNA and we don't because our cells are smart enough. Some peoples cells are confused. Our body should not replicate most foreign DNA nor RNA but occasionally we do. When we do other cells recognize this confusion and proceed to turn of the cell. When to many cells are turned off and die . If to many are turned off you begin to feel sick. There were lots of plagues before electrification.
Your body certainly replicates foreign exosomes. That is how you get herd immunity. Exosomes are simply tiny containers of RNA with key spikes. They are a part of cell communication in your body and can shed or secrete to others. That is a good thing. You can pass immunity to other people once you have overcome something. Our bodies can replicate other human RNA where we pick up immunity and can turn on things. We should not replicate most foreign DNA nor RNA and we don't because our cells are smart enough. Some peoples cells are confused. Our body should not replicate most foreign DNA nor RNA but occasionally we do. When we do other cells recognize this confusion and proceed to turn of the cell. When to many cells are turned off and die . If to many are turned off you begin to feel sick. There were lots of plagues before electrification.

The Life Force concept of George Bernard Shaw contains the central idea that Life is a vital force or impulse that strives to attain greater power of contemplation and self-realization. Creative Evolution is the manner in which the Life Force strives to reach this perfect state of contemplation as it continually creates something better and greater beyond the life forms already developed. The Superman is a symbol of the superior race of men that will evolve in the future.

Why is life interested in other life?
Life attracts life
Life take and share

The concept of a life force, or vitalism, goes back thousands of years. The ancients thought that living things were different from non-living thing due to some magical force. They proposed that living beings were made of substances that could not be produced by nonliving things.

1 started with an electric spark

2 The first molecules of life might have met on clay, according to an idea elaborated by organic chemist Alexander Graham Cairns-Smith at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. These surfaces might not only have concentrated these organic compounds together, but also helped organize them into patterns much like our genes do now.

The main role of DNA is to store information on how other molecules should be arranged. Genetic sequences in DNA are essentially instructions on how amino acids should be arranged in proteins. Cairns-Smith suggests that mineral crystals in clay could have arranged organic molecules into organized patterns. After a while, organic molecules took over this job and organized themselves.

3 Life began at deep-sea vents

4 Nowadays DNA needs proteins in order to form, and proteins require DNA to form, so how could these have formed without each other? The answer may be RNA, which can store information like DNA, serve as an enzyme like proteins, and help create both DNA and proteins. Later DNA and proteins succeeded this "RNA world," because they are more efficient.

RNA still exists and performs several functions in organisms, including acting as an on-off switch for some genes. The question still remains how RNA got here in the first place. And while some scientists think the molecule could have spontaneously arisen on Earth, others say that was very unlikely to have happened. Other nucleic acids other than RNA have been suggested as well, such as the more esoteric PNA or TNA.

A study in 2015 suggests the missing link in this RNA puzzle may have been found.

Life was brought here from elsewhere in space

meaning in life
meaning in life
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stoicism finding an unshakable peace and releasing destructive influences
stoicism finding an unshakable peace and releasing destructive influences
Storing energy and releasing it through physics.
Storing energy and releasing it through physics.
projects of worth Susan wolf... something bigger than self... lasting
projects of worth Susan Wolf... something bigger than self... lasting

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1. Living organisms were formed on our planet by some supernatural power called God or Creator, so it believed in divine creation of life.
1. Living organisms were formed on our planet by some supernatural power called God or Creator, so it believed in divine creation of life.

2. The living organisms were formed all of a sudden and out of nothing. These are created as such.
2. The living organisms were formed all of a sudden and out of nothing. These are created as such.
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4. These have not undergone any change since their formation (Life is immutable).
4. These have not undergone any change since their formation (Life is immutable).

It was proposed by Hebrew et. al. and was very strongly supported by Father Suarez (1548-1671 A.D.). According to Christianity, the Bible states that the creator formed all the living organisms about 4004 B.C. within six-natural days— materia prima, heaven and earth on first day; sky was separated from water on second day; dry land and plants on third day; the sun, the moon and the stars on fourth day; fish and fowl on fifth day and animals including human beings on sixth day.


Man was created on the sixth day as Anima rationalis. Bible says that Adam, the first man, was formed from clay about 6,000 years ago, while first woman, Eve, was formed from one of his ribs. According to Hindu mythology, Brahma is the God of creation and created various forms of life in one stroke. Manu and Shraddha were first man and woman on the earth.
This idea has no scientific support. It is further refuted by various evidences of evolution.
II. Abiogenesis or Theory of Spontaneous Creation or Autobiogenesis:
II. Abiogenesis or Theory of Spontaneous Creation or Autobiogenesis:

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1. Anaximander (588-524 B.C.) proposed the air as sole cause of life.
1. Anaximander (588-524 B.C.) proposed the air as sole cause of life.


2. Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) proposed that worms, insects, fish, frogs and even mice developed from soil and filth; tapeworms from excreta of animals; crabs and salamanders from earth and slime.
2. Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) proposed that worms, insects, fish, frogs and even mice developed from soil and filth; tapeworms from excreta of animals; crabs and salamanders from earth and slime.
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5. Von Helmont proposed that both sexes of mice will be developed when human sweat and wheat are kept together for 21 days.
5. Von Helmont proposed that both sexes of mice will be developed when human sweat and wheat are kept together for 21 days.

This theory also proposed the formation of insects from dew, frogs and toads from the muddy bottom of ponds; butterflies from cheese and maggots (larvae of house flies) from decaying meat.
This theory also proposed the formation of insects from dew, frogs and toads from the muddy bottom of ponds; butterflies from cheese and maggots (larvae of house flies) from decaying meat.

Latest revision as of 20:03, 26 May 2021

We are electrical and frequency generators. Electrical charges can add to confusion along with sugars, heavy metals and chemical we consume. Also the frequencies we generate which can be effected by our motions and by the spirit we respond with. Lots of factors effect our health. The first thing Jesus did when he came out of the tomb and approached the apostles was to breath on them and said "And when he had said this, he breathed on [them], and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost:" John 20:22

Your body certainly replicates foreign exosomes. That is how you get herd immunity. Exosomes are simply tiny containers of RNA with key spikes. They are a part of cell communication in your body and can shed or secrete to others. That is a good thing. You can pass immunity to other people once you have overcome something. Our bodies can replicate other human RNA where we pick up immunity and can turn on things. We should not replicate most foreign DNA nor RNA and we don't because our cells are smart enough. Some peoples cells are confused. Our body should not replicate most foreign DNA nor RNA but occasionally we do. When we do other cells recognize this confusion and proceed to turn of the cell. When to many cells are turned off and die . If to many are turned off you begin to feel sick. There were lots of plagues before electrification.

???? Why is life interested in other life? Life attracts life Life take and share

meaning in life

hedonism pleasure existentialism series of independent choices kieregaard stoicism finding an unshakable peace and releasing destructive influences Storing energy and releasing it through physics. projects of worth Susan Wolf... something bigger than self... lasting

Theories of Origin of Life: I. Theory of special creation:

It states:

1. Living organisms were formed on our planet by some supernatural power called God or Creator, so it believed in divine creation of life.

2. The living organisms were formed all of a sudden and out of nothing. These are created as such.

3. There was no inter-relationship between these organisms.

4. These have not undergone any change since their formation (Life is immutable).

II. Abiogenesis or Theory of Spontaneous Creation or Autobiogenesis:

It was proposed by Von Helmont (1577-1644) and states that life originated abiogenetically from non-living decaying and rotting matter like straw, mud, etc., by spontaneous generation about 3.5 billion years ago. e.g.,

1. Anaximander (588-524 B.C.) proposed the air as sole cause of life.

2. Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) proposed that worms, insects, fish, frogs and even mice developed from soil and filth; tapeworms from excreta of animals; crabs and salamanders from earth and slime.

3. Hair of white horse tail forms living horse-hair worm, Gordius, when dropped into water.

4. The mud of Nile gave rise to living organisms when warmed in sun.

5. Von Helmont proposed that both sexes of mice will be developed when human sweat and wheat are kept together for 21 days.

This theory also proposed the formation of insects from dew, frogs and toads from the muddy bottom of ponds; butterflies from cheese and maggots (larvae of house flies) from decaying meat.

But abiogenesis was experimentally rejected by Francisco Redi (1668 A.D.). III. Biogenesis (omne vivum ex vivo):

It states life arises from pre-existing life only. The idea of spontaneous generation came to an end with the experiment of Francisco Redi (1668). He founded the theory of biogenesis.

1. Redi’s experiment:


Francisco Redi (Italian physician) took the flesh and cooked it so that no organisms were left alive. He placed the flesh in three jars (Fig. 7.2). One jar was covered with parchment, one was covered with muslin and third one was left open.

Redi's Experiment to Disprove Abiogenesis in Large Animals

The flesh/meat decayed in all the jars and flies were attracted towards all the three jars. He observed that maggots developed in uncovered jars though the flies visited other jars. The flies entered only the open jar and laid eggs which produced larvae. This confirms that maggots arise from eggs and not from decaying meat.

2. Spallanzani’s experiment:


L. Spallanzani (1765 A.D.) poured hay infusion in eight bottles and boiled all of them. Four of them were loosely corked while other four were made air tight. After few days, he found that there was thick growth of microbes in all the loosely corked bottles but no organism in the air tight bottles. He concluded that air contains microbes and new micro­organisms arise from existing micro-organisms.

3. Pasteur’s experiment:

Louis Pasteur (1864) showed that minute organisms like protists and bacteria arise from pre-existing organisms of the same kind. He took a flask almost half filled with sugar and yeast (Fig. 7.3). By heating he gave S shaped structure to its neck. The contents of swan-necked flask were boiled and tube was sealed. No life appeared in the flask. But when neck of the flask was broken, micro-organisms appeared.

Louis Pasteur's Experiment showing the Theory of Biogenesis

Spontaneous generation theory was rejected on the basis that it did not answer about the mode of formation of first life form. IV. Cosmozoic or Extraterrestrial or Interplanetary or Panspermiatic theory:

It was proposed by Richter (1865 A.D.) and was supported by Arrhenius (1908 A.D.). It states that life came on the earth from some other planet in the form of seed or spore called panspermia, so is also called spore theory.


But it could not explain the mechanism by which panspermia survived adverse conditions (very low temperature, lack of atmosphere, utter dryness and lethal and UV-cosmic radiations) of interplanetary space during its migration.