Overarching Self-Help/Health Dietary Principles

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While I have gotten sick and injured over the years, every issue since getting out of the infantry in 1987 (over 37 years ago as of this writing) has been resolved without the use of alternative medicine remedies (chiropractors, salves, herbs, lotions, supplements, tinctures, essential oils, etc.), or even so much as setting my eyes on a doctor.

Because I'd grown up doing much hiking, backpacking and camping off and on, and had spent three years of my early teens hitchhiking back and forth across the US, and then, as an adult, spent 14 months out-of-doors on a walk-about across the US (with no credit cards, and no cash in my pockets); I've often not been near medical facilities when sick or injured. That, coupled with being self-employed since getting out of the military, and so never a part of any health plan(s) or able to afford (and/or not wanting to spend the money) to see doctors; I began realizing through all manner of self-experimentation how to go inside and listen to my body for ways and means of self-treatment.

Usually, an acute injury specific treatment comes in the moment, but, there have been times when it's come in advance of injury! Frequently noted, but not realized, has been the significance of some tidbit of knowledge, only to have an aha-moment regarding it later when illness or injury occurred. Someday, the finding that comes in the moment might say go the "standard" care route, but that's not been the case in nearly four decades so far.

This "going inside" is something everyone can cultivate.

The links below represent a sampling of multiple hundreds of hours of watching (conservatively) at least a thousand videos over a couple of decades trying to piece together concepts to help others resolve their health issues. They embody clearly worded principles, and are provided here so you have them in mind to aid you as you pursue your own self-realizations (and to save you from having to spend the same amount of time pouring over so many videos like me).

Of the two broad categories of injury, acute and chronic, the links address the latter, the chronic. Why? Because, acute is usually evident and so can be dealt with at that moment on a case by case basis. Chronic injury, by its nature, creeps up on you, and so might not be recognized "before it's too late".

Speaking of chronic injury, I find no evidence that the many ailments we're told are inevitable with "aging" are true – necessarily – even the many said to be "hereditary". By and large, the inherited (so called) diseases (so called) are rooted in that the children tend to eat the same diets as they were raised eating. The only difference to that is the trend toward each successive generation eating more, frequently, what are progressively more unnatural "foods." They are highly processed/ultra refined (including the processing/refining done at home), near devoid of nutrients (and grossly unbalanced nutritionally for what nutrients are there), and have carbohydrates, fat, and proteins combined in ways that near never occur in nature (examples being, carbs combined with fat and/or carbs combined with protein, savory combined with sweet, etc.), which confuses and wreaks havoc on the body.

And, so, successive generations are becoming increasingly sicker, sooner, with multiple maladies, longer.

(I have been looking for the reference to something I read early on: [something to the effect of] "What is referred to as "chronic diseases" today, used to be referred to as "diseases of civilization," and before that, "diseases of captivity.") (Apparently, as far back as we've found civilizations who thought it's important to keep records, there's been descriptions of ailments – that while referred to perhaps differently than how we might refer to them today – their descriptions align perfectly to descriptions of diseases on our list of chronic diseases? [I believe they've been able to confirm this too with various testings?])

The selected links as significant and applicable for this reason: Besides the ability to address virtually all manner of chronic ills that plague us today (mental, physical, psychological, etc.), they embody the basis of a number of recurring complimentary dietary general principles I see repeated. Examples being, 1. "The body, fed only what, and in the form(s), nature's God intended, has the building blocks required to self-heal, and then is superbly equipped to do so"; 2. "Unless and until the matter of one's diet is addressed, virtually all attempts to maintain health or to heal are reduced to mere vain pursuits – only to have to be repeated, ad nauseam" (pun, not intended); (to wit), 3. "If whatever one is eating (and/or not eating) doesn't keep them well, then whatever they're eating (and/or not eating) is incorrect in either their understanding and/or their application"; and, conversely, 4. "Whatever one is eating (and/or not eating) to make oneself well, should, by definition, be what keeps them well."

There are, of course, exceptions to the above (some examples are given in the videos); but, again, general principles...

It has been said that, "One's life choices (which include one's diet) are not for their benefit alone, but effect, and, therefore, ought be made with the great-grandchildren in mind." (Or, words to that effect.)
(Note: while the following emphasizes human health, the "species-specific-diet principle" (found herein) can be extrapolated and applied to whatever your pet species.)

Video Links

Dr Daniel Amen:

TEDxOrangeCoast - Daniel Amen - Change Your Brain, Change Your Life (Duration: 19::09) https://youtu.be/MLKj1puoWCg?si=KvruW2MLilVw4lAX
The most important lesson from 83,000 brain scans | Daniel Amen | TEDxOrangeCoast (14::36) https://youtu.be/esPRsT-lmw8?si=CYXYTbm74Xezw5OU

Dr. Peter Ballerstedt:

Dr. Peter Ballerstedt - 'Ruminating on Protein: Plants & Animals' (27::50) https://youtu.be/lzsEqV0Bjcs?si=CDvxJoStgrjomA5H
Dr. Peter Ballerstedt - 'When is 'Protein' NOT Protein?' (1:04::16) https://youtu.be/-VY8YNhEpXw?si=FcTZWhWT-u6Q3_qa

Dr. Ken Berry:

I was Wrong about EXERCISE for WEIGHT LOSS (Doctor Confession) 2024 (9::35) https://youtu.be/wajA4Hc_rI4?si=kGXPAPRiTgWxRwkF

Dr. Ben Bikman:

Saturated Fat with Dr. Ben Bikman (28::54) https://youtu.be/ifmeiWoVRo0?si=cU6g4AAGvrrn0fFy
Salt and Cardiometabolic Health with Dr. Ben Bikman (31::00) https://youtu.be/pfsZ649u-aE?si=ip2bP71j5HXjLE-G

Dr. Cywes (the #CarbAddictionDoc):

Ep:01 Understanding Human Nutritional Biology and Evolution - by Dr. Robert Cywes (14::29) https://youtu.be/gz9Ez2IqtAI?si=HToIUvUg_Dg6iBhz
Ep:02 Understanding Carb Addiction Part 1 - by Dr. Robert Cywes (15::27) https://youtu.be/QKEmTZRShII?si=s8IWCjV6tpSzzHql
Ep:03 Understanding Carb Addiction Part 2 (14::48) https://youtu.be/nU3vvmVktcI?si=u1P8lXc4p2-5Uvka
Ep:13 Ketogenic Rules For: Eating Vegetables (9::56) https://youtu.be/QsmvSFECBtQ?si=RWtFcFlKlFvFNsIe
Ep:14 Ketogenic Rules for: Eating Fruit (6::25) https://youtu.be/fTO1LH3dPGg?si=hxhTHAXTSY3pxUTE
Ep:15 Ketogenic Rules for: Eating Animal Products (11::10) https://youtu.be/YiCcKJ95wbo?si=2oviK1YZ7GD0JY7X
Ep:49 Why Keto and Carnivore Diets fail 98% of the Time (13::50) https://youtu.be/9DLWzpWogsU?si=YcjtJWtN0Iioxp17
Ep:94 THE PSYCHOLOGY BEHIND CARB ADDICTION (15::57) https://youtu.be/Get4BoWSJvk?si=ovtYiSH88oJSQ5MC
Ep:148 WHEN SHOULD WE EAT ON A KETO DIET? MINDBLOW TIME (11::26) https://youtu.be/pFjl1S4g2Vw?si=DuOYjit58sUkO-M1
Ep:168 AVOID KETO DIET FAILURE: 3 CRITICAL ADDICTION FACTORS (21::53) https://youtu.be/NyB83VSr_oM?si=E7zZt3R3MF9OO6Zr
Ep:170 TREATING YOUR CARB ADDICTION: START HERE (14::41) https://youtu.be/8lJ6b0b6PqY?si=B38dRar8XIXdRsHA
Ep:171 THE DARK SIDE OF CARB ADDICTION (16::58) https://youtu.be/rMJrLOS3B3Q?si=5bR4h8WDwEZjVvwE

Dr. Michael Eades:

Dr. Michael Eades - 'Paleopathology and the Origins of the Low-carb Diet' (30::11) https://youtu.be/uncd7SvT94c?si=K0WhsjPdpjeXHQFq
Dr. Mike Eades - 'Does Fat Really Burn in the Flame of Carbohydrate? (23::01) https://youtu.be/7MTNJNAZPiw?si=FuRFzJxqylj6ny4g
Dr Michael Eades - 30 years of flawed nutritional science (55::42) https://youtu.be/oyfDsv0t6YY?si=HPz5bhPuuKlj1Ugz
Dr Micheal Eades - Cognitive Dissonance: The scientific evidence for LCHF ignored (1:13::29) https://youtu.be/wL5513xKw1k?si=6cT4vc-c5xM3WZLj

Dr. Georgia Ede:

Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind: Ketogenic Therapy for Mental Health w/ Dr. Georgia Ede (Duration: 17::37) https://youtu.be/tvvvLkth5Q0?si=9CvMJszlAc6YwiHW

Dr Gary Fettke:

Dr Gary Fettke - Disease-causing effects of high carbohydrate diets (42::37) https://youtu.be/VVjNqbaiSiY?si=0dRinR53NcoS7NnV

Dr. Max Gulhane:

'Identifying & Eliminating Visceral Fat for Optimal Health' (38::10) https://youtu.be/pa6Gg2P67yM?si=hrSizz_wHn8LwjmN
'Animal fats and seed oils: the Good, the Bad, the Ugly' (34::50) https://youtu.be/ReEvstNhHmA?si=KpWl6CF4GzGXJYJy

Ally Houston:

My Mental Health and Nutrition (8::52) https://youtu.be/KT2f4lcDq4A?si=CP2viiDevmBQIBpZ

Dr. Robert Lustig:

Hidden Belly Fat: The Warning Signs You're Overweight & Not Healthy | Dr. Robert Lustig (15::21) https://youtu.be/NZNVOHM2uM4?si=x3PFk65lXV5_Wuen
"The BIGGEST Lie in the History of Medicine" | Dr. Robert Lustig (13::51) https://youtu.be/aD7y03rDmFE?si=qiW4iKgagt96GRib

Dr. Tim Noakes:

Tim Noakes on trial (15::20) https://youtu.be/rtmK8ZBsUJg?si=b2j6xPzlf8q2UZHF
Full Timothy Noakes interview from Carb-Loaded documentary (38::00) https://youtu.be/ZDL-ZMKWIBI?si=ZymenE6Czz08aGEt

Dr. Ted Naiman:

How the Body Uses Protein vs Energy by Dr. Ted Naiman (26::34) https://youtu.be/dQJ2y-s4I6k?si=PpYl5wEgn9sA1jkd

Dr. Sean O'mara:

Eliminating Visceral Fat – Key to Optimal Health (2::00) https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Sny76k__104
The BEST 17 min video to OPTIMIZE your health the most: What to Do & Track to BEST change your life! (17::38) https://youtu.be/XuFD5tMz9M0?si=XSF-a6cvzyzAc49y
New Vegan 🌱 Client Scans Visceral Heart Muscle Fat! What Makes Visceral Fat Worse & Eliminates It! (11::09) https://youtu.be/wOpTWKfzGFo?si=--G08vNjCOKrf1uF
EAT THIS WAY to Heal Your Microbiome & REVERSE Visceral Fat | Dr. Sean O’Mara (15::33) https://youtu.be/kK_nG-16_kk?si=QFJrYDz724dJ1g3U
How to EAT for the Best Poops (It’s NOT High Fiber!) | Dr. Sean O’Mara (9::31) https://youtu.be/NDvUaN7lTPI?si=ZjT7y-rdGz-Yxi7F
NEW Study: FERMENTING Fruit Veggies Makes PolyPhenols More Effective, Eliminates Carbs & plant Toxin (21::58) https://youtu.be/xUhPXvgjzW0?si=Ic9NTK31hCNScFRo
Sprinting – the single BEST exercise to OPTIMIZE humans (3::00) https://www.youtube.com/shorts/wDnF1sOo7LA
The #1 BEST Exercise to Get Rid of Visceral Fat | Dr. Sean O’Mara (10::11) https://youtu.be/EUf9Ir3mNUk?si=MiIheg76OYUjYbSv
Primal Squatting: Be Awesome! (6::10) https://youtu.be/B7ARkYUYmM4?si=BtQsLa-KHikgQMVt

Dr. Chris Palmer:

Harvard Psychiatrist REVEALS The #1 Foods You Must STOP EATING To HEAL Your BRAIN (13::07) https://youtu.be/LKJg0Kd59tk?si=u1t51b4uIu1BZHRe
Metabolic Psychiatry: How Diet Impacts Mental Health | Chris Palmer | One Scientist's Mind (18::59) https://youtu.be/IQpPSYM6Bc8?si=S_ruC5Fg1bKwE6xx

Dr. Steve Peters:

The Mindset Doctor: The Secret Man Behind The World's Top Performers | E215 (2:04::16) https://youtu.be/G1hqsr5mkzA?si=oOCmvtYzG7q--KZ8

Stuart Phillips:

Caloric restriction vs. higher protein for aging | Dr. Stuart Phillips (8::15) https://youtu.be/Gr9rdkTo7wA?si=cTzIfw7C_mJDGPd0
Can you eat too much protein? With Stu Phillips, PhD (5::42) https://youtu.be/PUfxNcc4x0E?si=vsDpz64pp3-vkOyi
Why muscle declines with age and what to do | Dr. Stuart Phillips (5::21) https://youtu.be/OF2GwadVpeU?si=zi58db0M9UBZnHHg
Exercise, age-related muscle loss (sarcopenia), and maximizing health span with Stu Phillips, PhD (5::22) https://youtu.be/THZ8QjApDPg?si=P533OHIY2Ixlsf1l
Dietary Protein in Weight Loss: Advantage Protein by Stuart Phillips, PhD (48::45) https://youtu.be/15jtzjv8uOM?si=AwG4KIFWFK0hV_Nk

Dr. Francis Pottenger, Jr.:

Pottenger's Cats — A Study in Nutrition (on Future Generations) (14::46) https://youtu.be/wGlSK39ZnCw?si=vrAUQLrNtd5HcuQl
Price Pottenger on Nutrition the bad effects of cooking on food + how bad sugar is for your teeth (24::18) https://youtu.be/cvUrHdZLp6Q?si=14CsZnQiTbVbkIZy

Professors Raubenheimer and Simpson:

The most important dietary hypothesis you never heard of w/ Simpson & Raubenheimer (50::19) https://youtu.be/l_giDQHVG58?si=jZMQ6Px1L3ZfHhvV
Protein Leverage with Drs. Simpson & Raubenheimer (1:07::15) https://youtu.be/rE9nFgSB544?si=QoroETIERCO2pgVC

Dr. Thomas Seyfried:

Thomas Seyfried, PhD Interview: The Metabolic Theory of Cancer (3::09) https://youtu.be/g973tmkWFMI?si=dg428lXRCkIzyi-g
Supporting evidence (3::59) https://youtu.be/lZZCLlX05PQ?si=OIPDbGhDwepYbYyM
Dr. Thomas Seyfried: Cancer as a Mitochondrial Metabolic Disease (54::21) https://youtu.be/KusaU2taxow?si=po2NYt3-vjKSmecg

Dr Bill Schindler:

Bill Schindler, PhD presentation: Ancestral Diets, Food Processing and the Domesticated Ape (42::39) https://youtu.be/pA06y9zbd_Q?si=xvM72XBJcZfxSFwI

Gary Taubes:

Gary Taubes - Why We Get Fat: An Alternative Hypothesis for Obesity (1:12::25) https://youtu.be/rSl4Kcx4XY8?si=TXaK6n58JbnGGgHC

Nina Teicholz (investigative science journalist):

'Vegetable Oils: The Unknown Story' (36::11) https://youtu.be/Q2UnOryQiIY?si=3nqydVMHI0-V09Qa


Five Marathons in Five Days - NO FOOD !!! (34::00) https://youtu.be/wRM_e9V0RN4?si=tBzSCk3Ywx_PEXmx
How to Lose 1 Pound of Fat per Day (20,000 Calories in 5 Days) (32::30) https://youtu.be/lDgvkMKA7ds?si=lxCIIRLGce-0Alne
My Identical Twin had not Seen Me in 5 Years! (1 minute) https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Bkc874GCYBI
How to Sprint Like Dr Sean (Day 3 Carnivore Sprints – 1::00 [1 minute]) (https://www.youtube.com/shorts/hamDr3CwMI8

Audio Links

To be added.

Links to Papers

To be added.