Pure religion

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Religion ~4 min

The Bible tells us that:

  • Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. James 1:27

Religion was defined 200 years ago as “Real piety in practice[1], consisting in the performance of all known duties to God and our fellow men”. Religion for centuries consisted of the manner and method by which a people took care of their needy within a society or community.

During the time of Christ and the early church their was Public religion which was run through the government temples of Rome. These government funded temples as a part of the Imperial Cult of Rome provided free food and care for the needy people of the world. Since the Christians were in the world but not of it they depended upon the Church established by Jesus Christ for their Private welfare.

The difference between these two types of welfare were at the basis of the Christian conflict. While historians like Polybius and philosophers like Plutarch made it clear that when Rome moved from the practice of Private welfare to Socialism people would loose their liberty and capacity to be a free people. Paul and David siad that that welfare would be a snare.

Peter warned how the Covetous Practices of Public religion would make people Merchandise and curse their children with debt. Of course Jesus told his followers who would eventually be called Christians not to depend on public welfare state such Benefactors who wee the Fathers of the earth.

From the beginning John the Baptist and Jesus said we were to live by faith hope and charity which Paul called the perfect law of liberty. We were told that the Corban of the Pharisees made the word of God to none effect. That Corban was a form of Public religion which was a socialist run through pagan government Temples which was the error of the Nicolaitan and Balaam.

Therefore religious service was the way the people provided for the needy within a society or community according to the directives of their God or gods they have chosen for themselves.[2]

Over time Religion was redefined by men to mean what you think about a supreme being.[3]

So which definition is correct? The word religion is mentioned five times in the Bible. Only once is it mentioned in a positive sense and we find that in James 1:27.

Religion is clearly how you take care of the needy of your society but what does it mean to be "unspotted from the world"?

What is Corban?

Who are the Nicolaitan?

Is the Welfare of the people of your society provided by force or by Charity?

The Corban of the Modern Christians is their system of social security found in every nation of the world which is run through public buildings of their modern governments by men who call themselves Benefactors who require everyone to get a number if they want to make a living or even live in the world. Christian conflict has returned and the people of the world you must join the Public religion of or expect to be persecuted by by the modern pharisee who has gone the way of Babylon and Nimrod.

The modern church has no real Daily ministration and their Charitable Practices are a mere token which is heavily spotted by their dependence upon the world. Can the modern preacher honestly say he is preaching the pure religion of Christ and the early church when he preaches the modern Corban of the world is okay which is still making the word of God to none effect.

The Modern Christian is not a doer of the word. They are still in need of repentance.

Additional Research

A Challenge to Modern Religion: A Strong Delusion ~3 min

NewsWithViews: Are You Using that Word - Religion?

Pure Religion: What is it and who does it? What is all this talk about religion?

The Opiate of Religion

The Merchants of Men: The man and his religion.

Religion of the People: From the book The Higher Liberty, Sec. 40

See more Forbidden Definitions

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  1. At the same time piety was defined as the duty to your Father and Mother and through them to others with in your community.
  2. Judges 10:14 Go and cry unto the gods which ye have chosen; let them deliver you in the time of your tribulation.
  3. Religion "the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods."