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HIV/AIDS Virus Origins

Some say, AIDS was deliberately created to deliberately depopulation development of humanity - created at Fort Dietrick through US Bioweapons development."

Can it be?

Dr. Leonard Horowitz provides a wealth of evidence in his presentation on the agenda behind virus technologies and their use on global populations by the military industrial complex.

Regarding Dr. Robert Gallo - Courtesy: Dr Leonard Horovitz [in the interests of extending Human Educational knowledge] (duratioin: 8::36)

Dr Len Horowitz: The Truth Behind the AIDS Virus (duration:56::09)

Dr. Leonard Horowitz - Emerging Viruses AIDS & Ebola - Nature, Accident or Intentional? (duration: 2:53::44)

See also:

EIRScience & Technology Article - Origins of the AIDS virus: accident or biowarfare?


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