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Revision as of 23:47, 5 November 2017

Is the state terminating the rights of innocent parents?

Do Parents have a prior right to their children?

Have you seen the enemy?

Could we be our own worse enemy?

<mp3player width="300">http://KeysOfTheKingdom.info/KOK-170211.mp3</mp3player>

Do “Parents give up their rights when they drop the children off at public school.”[1]

Do we do other things that undermine our access to rights?

A number of claims made in the audio are supported by other articles.

Communist Manifesto

Have we made the State our Father?

How do we get back to our natural rights as parents and maintain those rights? Who is our real enemy?

Are you practicing the Corban of the Pharisees by doing less for your parents?

Gathering in Free Assemblies for the purposes of Christ in The Way.

Purpose of birth certificates....

What was the Early Church doing and what was the Christian conflict with the world?

What is the warning of Polybius?

What is the Polis on the hill?

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  1. Federal Judge Melinda Harmon, 1996